Pelosi Calls Joe Biden’s “Build Back Better” the “Obama Agenda” (VIDEO)

September 28, 2021

Was it her dementia? Or did she accidentally say the quiet part out loud and admit Obama is really running things?

81-year-old House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday called Joe Biden’s “Build Back Better” the “Obama agenda” during a press conference.

We have to keep government open…to address the full Obama agenda of building back better – with, and I love to saying building back better,” Pelosi said.




The problem isn’t the people,, it’s the permission.

We gave them permission to do this,, along time ago.

You gave them permission,,without my permission,, to keep doing this,, along time ago.

You told them too do this,, along time ago,, without my permission.

Every time this was allowed to go on without stopping it dead in its track’s,, was further permission to do it in the future.

Bigger and stronger today you gave them permission,, without my permission,,too do this again.

The problem isn’t the people,, it’s the permission.

Who gave them permission?


Terrorism” is defined in the Code of Federal Regulations as “the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives” (28 C.F.R.



Jussie Smollett | George Soros | Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Apr 9, 2019




The Death of Europe, with Douglas Murray

Oct 7, 2019

In this episode of Uncommon Knowledge, Peter Robinson is joined by author and columnist Douglas Murray to discuss his new book The Madness of Crowds: Race, Gender and Identity. Murray examines the most divisive issues today, including sexuality, gender, and technology, and how new culture wars are playing out everywhere in the name of social justice, identity politics, and intersectionality. Is European culture and society in a death spiral caused by immigration and assimilation? Robinson and Murray also discuss the roles that Brexit and the rise of populism in European politics play in writing immigration laws across the European Union.


A new society has been developed by Obama,,Clinton and Pelosi.

What you get when you cross a democrat with “Hitler”,,, “Ditler”!

Obama was the original “Ditler”. A Democratic Hitler!



They make their own law’s,, and let the guilty go free.


PC “Political Correctness” is the thing that started all this,, from the beginning it was designed too force people into thinking one way.

Throughout history the slogan has been:

If I work really hard,,I can succeed”,, TODAY IT’S,, “if I’m really slick”,, I can get it all free!

IQ’s will no longer be tolerated,, your IQ may be racist.


You have been duped again by the corrupt fascist Marxist Democrat’s,, boy do they have plan’s for you and your family!

George Floyd Protests: What Journalists Aren’t Telling You

Jun 1, 2020

In the past few days, several cities have seen chaotic rioting. Cars and buildings have been torched, looting is rampant and even the Third Police Precinct in Minneapolis was burned as officers abandoned the building. More is to come.

The protests began ostensibly because of the death of George Floyd during an arrest. Systemic racism and police brutality, leftist pundits argue, is to blame.

Some leftists are claiming, as they did during the Occupy Wall Street movement, that the protests have been hijacked by a violent element intent on discrediting the movement.

Conservative commentators, on the other hand, speak of frustration and rage, of a reaction to the claustrophobia of weeks on end lock-down.

They all miss the mark.

The violence since the police-involved death of George Floyd in Minneapolis is a communist inspired insurrection—nothing more, nothing less.


Sooner or later you’ll understand that the real enemy are the communist traitor’s BLM and ANTIFA. You retard’s are the real target’s. Soros funded ANTIFA and BLM scumbag’s are using you stupid people too push their personal agenda. You are the real target’s and it’s because of you we have racism in this country,, we are asking you too leave.


ALEX JONES (3rd HOUR) Thursday 8/20/20 • Dr. Steve Pieczenik, DeAnna Lorraine, News, Reports

More proof election’s are rigged and more on the deep state corruption we call the democrat party.



Loretta Lynch Calls For More Blood In The Streets To Fight Trump

Mar 6, 2017


Terrorism” is defined in the Code of Federal Regulations as “the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives” (28 C.F.R.


Never forget that CNN’s Don Lemon defended Antifa

June 2nd, 2020.



Jihad in Texas; John Guandolo; SCOTUS Wobbling 6.2.20

June 2nd, 2020

Jihad in Corpus Christi, Texas

Omar and her Muslim friend’s are the hub of these riot’s.

let’s not forget Obama and Clinton,, father and mother of ISIS.

They make their own law’s,, and let the guilty go free.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., holds the gavel after being sworn in on Thursday.



New Mensa test available for 2017-2020 “now with free coloring book”!



The Democratic Socialists of America

The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) is the largest socialist organization in the United States. We believe that working people should run both the economy and society democratically to meet human needs, not to make profits for a few. We are a political and activist organization, not a party; through campus and community-based chapters, DSA members use a variety of tactics, from legislative to direct action, to fight for reforms that empower working people.



revolutionary new communism

We need a world without white supremacy and male supremacy—a world where no one is regarded as “alien”

White supremacy and fascism are running rampant, and women’s basic rights are being ripped away. America threatens wars on Venezuela and Iran, as it terrorizes immigrant families and wantonly plunders our environment—imperiling humanity’s very future. At you learn where these horrors come from, how they can be ended through an actual revolution, and how people are working now toward revolution. You can find, engage and spread the work of Bob Avakian, the leader of this revolution, the architect of the new communism, and author of a concrete blueprint for a new society moving toward full emancipation. So become part of fighting for humanity’s future: sustain or donate now.




Revolutionary Communist Party


Party for Socialism and Liberation

If your the smartest one in class,, your a racist.

If your the dumbest one in class,, your the teacher!

If your both,, your the professor!



Young Democratic Socialists of America is the youth and student section of the Democratic Socialists of America, and a national organization of recognized campus chapters and several hundred activists. We are students organizing in our universities, colleges, and high schools to fight for the immediate needs of workers and students while building our capacity to fight for more radical and structural changes.

Democratic Left is the magazine of the Democratic Socialists of America

Inspired by comrades

Spring 2020


Loretta Lynch Calls For More Blood In The Streets To Fight Trump

Mar 6, 2017


Terrorism” is defined in the Code of Federal Regulations as “the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives” (28 C.F.R.



The Ingraham Angle 06/4/20 Full Show | Laura Ingraham Fox News June 4, 2020

June 5th, 2020


Howard Stern display’s BLACKFACE and uses the N word repeatedly

June 13th, 2020.

HOWARD STERN IN A BLACK FACE & using the N WORD like crazy
attacked President Trump & said he don’t like Trump Supporters
They call Trump Supporters racist
But white liberals & democrats are always in black face & using the N Word


Cities Burn, but None Dare Call It Communist Insurrection

May 31, 2020

They make their own law’s,, and let the guilty go free.


Antifa is the world’s most ‘fascist Orwellian organisation’

Jun 1, 2020

Sky News host Rowan Dean says Antifa is an “Orwellian organisation” who paints themselves as against tyrannical government but are “themselves the most fascist organisation” on the planet.

It comes as President Donald Trump has signalled he will classify Antifa – which stands for anti-fascist – as a terrorist organisation. “Unfortunately, this is one of the most Orwellian organisation out there in the same way George Orwell’s Ministry for Peace was in fact the ministry for war, in the same way that Orwell’s Ministry for Truth was in fact a propaganda lying machine,” he said. Mr Dean told Sky News host Paul Murray the only time “we’ve ever seen democracies fall is when there is mob rule,” and once anarchists like Antifa spread violence on the streets “your system of government can fail and those determined to take power hope to seize power through this”. He said Antifa’s “soul goal is to create mayhem on the streets”.

David Dorn, 77, Identified as Retired Police Captain Slain During St. Louis Riot

2 Jun 2020

Black Americans Killed in Riots Across American Cities

2 Jun 2020

Fires & tear gas: Black Lives Matter march turns chaotic in Paris (VIDEO)

3 Jun, 2020


Here’s What’s Really Going On

Jun 3, 2020





Apr 2, 2014

Trevor is a modern-day Paul Revere and is yelling,”The Communists are here! The Communists are here!”We want to expose those in American politics who are ideologically corrupt and not worthy of the public trust.

This video is from 2014 six years into Obama’s administration.


Never forget that CNN’s Don Lemon defended Antifa

June 2nd, 2020.


Hey “fingers” over here 

Terrorism” is defined in the Code of Federal Regulations as “the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives” (28 C.F.R.




These evil people are good examples of Obama law in use.

Someone that says “by law I can’t do this”,, but I’m doing it anyway,, because you can’t stop me”,, go pound sand!

Or the,, the more you tell me I can’t do it ,, the more I’m going to do it. Bite me and pound sand!

Both good examples of the Obama law fence being removed.

You can simply say the fence used to be here,,but now it’s over there!

Who said you could move it?

Obama removed it entirely. There is no fence!

No fence on Grey area. You make the Grey area. You place the fence! It is what “you” say it is.

This is Sullivan using Obama Clinton law in the Flynn case.

You break the law you make the law!

Obnoxious harassment law” was written by Pelosi when she needed a cover story too look good when faking impeachment and using it on the president because she didn’t like him. Though she has other Obama Clinton law’s she uses all the time while working in that room called the house waving her little hammer!


Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., holds the gavel after being sworn in on Thursday.



She originally made that law too cover for Adam Schiff while “lying too congress” “but protected by congress”. See how that works?

He was making up stories and telling them to congress and the American people. He was upset none of his screen plays ever got sold. He was a failed fiction writer and tried the “fake it til I make it” ploy in congress.

This is the “fake it” til you “make it” law which Pelosi and Schiff used all the time.

Fake it” is when they make up something too charge you with,, the “your guilty as sin no matter what! Law. This is Obama Clinton law with Pelosi law added!

Pelosi uses the “I will put your ass in congress prison” law” or “if you fight us you’ll regret it” law. This is the same thing as their blackmail law but with Pelosi’s signature on it.

This law is designed too last the duration of you bank roll for maximum impact. See: general Flynn and selling your home!

Make it” is when they take time and resources too back up the lies you told us in the first place,, “we will find something in due time,, and if we don’t find something it’s because you didn’t give us enough time” ploy ,,we’re confident we’ll find something.,,OR if we don’t find something we’ll charge you with something else,,ploy.

This is like the Obama Pelosi law that said “you have too pass the bill to see whats in it” ploy.

This is the famous “Obama Clinton Pelosi law” used when forcing the OBAMA CARE bill on the american people,, the first open case of presidential extortion on the American people.

The “kiss my ass law” applies to saying one thing and lying but it’s not lying when I say it here in the house,, ploy. Or “there is a real manuscript but I like mine better,”,ploy. Both used by the master batter Adam Schiff during the impeachment ,,ploy. This is the first example of the new Schiff Pelosi law in use. He later used a variation of this law he added when needed ,,OR ”it was supposed to be funny”,,ploy. All these law’s worked well for the Press as all this is reported as 100% accurate,,they used the “I don’t lie”,, “I despise law”.

How to blame other’s for things that you do!,,ploy AND,, “I know I did that but you can’t say I did” law.

This is the famous racist communist law OR the ACE up my sleeve,, ploy.

This law has been on the books for over a hundred years,, it’s alway’s the GO TO law! When all else fails,, ploy. And relates to the “big switch”,,ploy.


This law only works when I use it,, ploy.



I will check every hair on your ass until I find something too stick.

This is a personal thing between Nadler and schiff and making things stick where not wanted, a form of extortion and blackmail taught by Pelosi and requires the use of her hammer.

I hope the actions of judge Sullivan, ends his career. He is obviously a deep state corrupt judge.

Would you like me to follow the law? Screw you!

Do I have to do the right thing? Fu*k off!

Should I be in prison and shot for treason? Bite me!

Do I have the power of an Obama god? Bite him bite her bite this and then fu*k off and pound sand!

The Flynn case judge and corrupt evil rod rosenstein and Comey and clapper.


Jun 1, 2020


They make their own law’s,, and let the guilty go free.

US DOJ Claps Back at Rogue Judge Emmet Sullivan: “We’re the Prosecutors Here, Not You!”

Jun 1, 2020

How could anyone in this country ever trust a courtroom again. This corrupt judge doesn’t even care that the world see’s this and knows he is insane with corrupt power.

This is what happens when the corrupt use Obama law.



Apr 20, 2020

Another case of Obama law in use by their corrupt congress pig’s.


UC San Diego students demand changes to finals grading due to American police brutality

May 31, 2020

This is affirmative action’s answer too racism or I cant pass because “white racist Nazi’s” ate my homework.

Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany Holds a Briefing

Jun 3, 2020


Ep. 1265 My Apologies – The Dan Bongino Show®

Jun 3, 2020

Bongino begs the freaks to stop rioting,, I thought trump called in the military?

Let’s not excuse violence’: Barack Obama forgets his ENTIRE presidency and argues riots should lead to voting Democrat

1 Jun, 2020


The Ingraham Angle 06/4/20 Full Show | Laura Ingraham Fox News June 4, 2020

June 5th, 2020







After David Dorn, I Am Done Trying To Empathize With Anyone

Jun 3, 2020


This is domestic terrorism plain and simple,

What would happen if all these racist freak domestic terrorist were shipped off to live alone,, and together in some other place,,NOT HERE,, somewhere else,,they would kill each other as fast as they could,, these slobs are no more than racist fascist communist,, we will never be able to live in peace as long as they are here,,,,,,,,GET THE FU*K OUT AND DON’T COME BACK!


White House Honors Killed Retired Police Captain; Rosenstein Testifies to Senate | NTD



Pelosi Panics Over Subpoena In Biden’s Probe

May 31, 2020

This is How Pelosi is BRAINWASHING Americans So She Can Steal the 2020 Election.

This is a scam for McConnell and Graham to look like their doing something about the corruption.

They are part of the corruption they say their going after,, we have seen them do this time and again on every issue,, they are a couple of con men in our senate who burn the candle on both end’s,,they are part of the corrupt deep state and telling lies too the American people.

This is how they cover their corrupt asses.

They make their own law’s,, and let the guilty go free.

Loretta Lynch Calls For More Blood In The Streets To Fight Trump

Mar 6, 2017

They make their own law’s,, and let the guilty go free.




Jun 3, 2020

lots of Obama law in action here.

Not only is he ridding the Obama law fence but it look’s like something personal is touching him “there”.

But you’ll have to ask Pelosi,, she’s the one gushing all the time! You know the “slippery when wet”,,ploy…good thing I’m not saying this out loud or I’d be grossed out!

Pelosi: Voting By Mail Is Now A ‘Health Issue’ For November Elections | The Last Word | MSNBC

May 20, 2020


Christ,, she actually “giggled while she’s gushing”,,and her damn back teeth are floating,,this is not a ploy!

These trillion dollar bill’s would make anybody “gush and giggle” knowing they’re a scam to rip off the taxpayer and all her corrupt friend’s are going too get paid,,look at her face,,this is personal for her,, she sat on something and it stayed with her.

Use you imagination,, I can think of a lot of thing’s I’d like her to sit on.. like a Mine Field,, or garbage disposal or JAWS gum line.

If she come’s after me for writing this I can use her “Schiff Pelosi law”,, “it was supposed to be funny,,ploy


Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Likes Riots, But ESPN Sports Writer Is Scared Of Them!

Jun 3, 2020


Domestic Terrorists Released Without Charge in St. Louis by Democrats

Jun 3, 2020


So, the democrats are aiding and abetting Terrorists. Hmmm… that sounds like a treasonous act, to me.

Soros spent millions and millions on getting leftists DA’s elected. Now he’s getting a return on his investment.


Nearly All Rioters Freed from Jail in D.C., Most Avoid Felony Riot Charges

Where did we see this before,,Hummm,,,,,that’s right the impeachment scam.

It’s only done right when all the guilty go free!!! Don’t worry be happy!!

This is Jessie Smollett all over again.

They make their own law’s,, and let the guilty go free.

NYC Arsonists to Be Instantly Freed from Jail Thanks to ‘Bail Reform’ Law

3 Jun 2020


Arsonists who set fires in New York City, New York, during multiple nights of riots will be instantly freed from jail if ever arrested thanks to Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s (D-NY) bail reform law.

For many nights now, arsonists have set ablaze New York City Police Department (NYPD) vehicles, city dumpsters, and rubble on the streets of New York City. Those arrested for arson, if arrests are made, will spend less than 24 hours in jail.

At the beginning of the year, Cuomo signed into law a bail reform measure that has eliminated bail for accused criminals involved in nonviolent and violent crimes, including for suspects accused of second-degree manslaughter, aggravated vehicular assault, third-degree assault, promoting an obscene sexual performance by a child, criminally negligent homicide, aggravated vehicular homicide, and about 100 other crimes.

The law also eliminated bail for suspects accused of third-degree arson, fourth-degree arson, fifth-degree arson, third-degree arson as a hate crime, fourth-degree arson as a hate crime, and fifth-degree arson as a hate crime, ensuring that arsonists who set fire in the streets are immediately released after their arrangements.

Already, as Breitbart News reported, more than 400 suspects arrested in New York City riots over the last few days are set to be released from jail following their arraignments without ever having to pay bail.

In March, New York City Police Department (NYPD) officials said that in the first 58 days of the year, close to 500 suspects who would have been kept locked up in jail if not for the new bail reform laws had been rearrested for committing an additional 846 crimes. Nearly 300 of these crimes included murder, rape, robbery, felony assault, burglary, grand larceny, and grand larceny auto.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.

How can you tell this is all done on propose,, when all the guilty are set free.

It’s the democrat’s that do this every time. Let the guilty go.

From the impeachment scam too the murder at the riot’s,, let my people go!

They make their own law’s,, and let the guilty go free.

This is Jessie Smollett all over again.


Who Hijacked the Protests? – Zooming In

Jun 3, 2020


Canadian Police Chief Kneels to Black Lives Matter Protesters

4 Jun 2020


The white Obama does his part to enable the guilty.



Black man gets random white woman to bend the knee to apologize for being white

June 2nd, 2020.





Once Again.. Ilhan Omar Trashes America, Says Country is Not for White Men

May 1, 2019

Democrat mouthpiece Ilhan Omar — a refugee from the failed state of Somalia — trashes the US once again. She really hates America.



Isn’t this where the riots started?

Ilhan Omar’s Minneapolis: Brutal Racially-Motivated Attack (Red Ice Tv, WW ep.112) (2019).

May 29th, 2020.



They make their own law’s,, and let the guilty go free.

They make their own law’s,, and let the guilty go free.




Charlie “Israel First” Kirk goes into black crime statistic after the 2020 raceriots

They make their own law’s,, and let the guilty go free.


Removing graffiti is now “racist”

June 4th, 2020


They will never be pleased until all whites are gone


Honestly” how do you think this is going too end?

Hey stupid” I’m talking too you,,How in the hell do you think this is going too end?


We all know the story,, its been the same for 60 years,, there are many good black people!

And they’re being mixed up with the really bad black people “on purpose”.


Looking at this from an honest perspective “all white people must die”!

Or all white people must pay up and then get lost!

White people aren’t even allowed in our school’s anymore,, especially college.

Too many white people”: The rise of self-segregation and anti-white racism

Feb 17, 2020

These riots are the end all for the Democrats,, the only answer for all this is “all white people must die” or leave after you pay up,,or become personal slave’s too the black’s while paying reparation’s AND then die.

In any case the white race will be extinguished for all the sin’s of mankind.

According too them the white race is “guilty of everything” and “must pay for everything”.


These ignorant white people are all ready living in servitude too the black’s and they think it’s funny.

Black man gets random white woman to bend the knee to apologize for being white

June 2nd, 2020.


43 Anti-White Commercials

August 23rd, 2019


White People kissing the Boots of Black Men because of their White Guilt | Reaction and Rant

Premiered Feb 9, 2020

like this man says,, we need to judge people by what they say and do,, not because of their skin color.

Canadian Police Chief Kneels to Black Lives Matter Protesters

4 Jun 2020

Stupid buffoon white retard’s think that this help’s! These black racist are laughing in your ignorant face’s. Your an embarrassment to your race,, whatever race that is?

Look at the smile on this racist bitch’s face!!!

Black privilege; the ability to be racist and nobody holding them accountable for it.

It isn’t us that’s responsible for all this,, it’s people like this asshole,, who have the same thing’s in common,, rich,, obnoxious,,egotistical slob democrat’s,, power freaks,, both black and white,, equality guilty of trying too rule the world and everybody in it.


Nolte: Watch CNN’s Chris Cuomo Encourage More Riots in Democrat-Run Cities





Nearly All Rioters Freed from Jail in D.C., Most Avoid Felony Riot Charges

These are the racist things the democrat,s use to divide the country,, by skin color and race,, letting the guilty go free because their mostly black “or all black” ,,so white people will get pissed off again resenting the fact the black’s always go free because of the color of their skin,, this is Jessie Smollett all over again.

This is the resentment the democrat’s use too keep racism going.

No one like’s it when the guilty go free!!

This is Jessie Smollett all over again.

Black privilege; the ability to be racist and nobody holding them accountable for it.


I don’t understand,, you think you can walk away from this?

We have been made to be accustomed too all this,, this is a part of everyday life isn’t it?


Nolte: Watch CNN’s Chris Cuomo Encourage More Riots in Democrat-Run Cities

June 3, 2020


Black privilege; the ability to be racist and nobody holding them accountable for it.

They make their own law’s,, and let the guilty go free.

The Media, Newsom, Instigating Civil Violence

June 4, 2020


China media mocks US: George Floyd riots are ‘retribution’; CCP to retaliate over US decision on HK

Jun 1, 2020


The Chinese regime issuing a response three days after Trump declared an end to Hong Kong’s special status. Beijing saying there will be retaliation.


In the middle of escalating tensions over the Hong Kong issue, the US government is reportedly selling their consulate housing there.


Senator Ben Sasse wants the US to grant asylum to people in Hong Kong. He revealed his plans for new legislation over the weekend.


Chinese state media taking a mocking tone over the sometimes violent protests over George Floyd’s death, calling it ‘retribution’ for the US.


And hundreds of students in China developed fever and cold-like symptoms after schools reopened in April. But the schools won’t test them for the virus. A student tells us more.


Burning America Is On Barack Obama & His Rolling Coup

May 31, 2020

This is Obama law.

All roads lead too Obama,, these are his riot’s started from his racist administration,, ANTIFA and BLM are his people,, these are all George Soros people with this being done on purpose.

This is Jessie Smollett all over again.

Black privilege; the ability to be racist and nobody holding them accountable for it.

They make their own law’s,, and let the guilty go free.


WH to halt Chinese airlines’ flight to US; Senate to hold review of Floyd’s death | NTD

Jun 3, 2020


TIRED OF IT: Glenn exposes the left’s LIES, HYPOCRISY, and DESTRUCTION of our economy as riots burn

Jun 4, 2020


Healing, Not Hatred

Jun 3, 2020


“We support the right of peaceful protesters, and we hear their pleas,” said President Trump. “I stand before you as a friend and ally to every American seeking justice and peace.”


BREAKDOWN: They’re LYING TO YOU About The Riots & Another DEEP STATE Swamp Creature GONE! | Huckabee

Jun 3, 2020

Soros-Backed St. Louis Circuit Attorney Releases All Rioters and Looters from Jail Without Charges Following Monday’s Mass Rioting

June 3, 2020

This is Jessie Smollett all over again.

Black privilege; the ability to be racist and nobody holding them accountable for it.

They make their own law’s,, and let the guilty go free.


Soros-Backed St. Louis Circuit Attorney Releases All Rioters and Looters from Jail Without Charges Following Monday’s Mass Rioting


This is nothing new for Circuit Attorney Gardner.
She has a long trail of corrupt and criminal actions.


Far left billionaire George Soros has been systematically targeting district attorney races throughout the United States. Several of his candidates have already won. His goal is to create havoc in communities.

In St. Louis City far left lunatic Kim Gardner took money from Soros in her race for St. Louis Circuit Attorney.

Soros funded PAC even released an ad in support of this far left and unqualified nutcase.

Lawyers keep leaving St. Louis Circuit Attorney’s office

Jul 28, 2017

CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Soros-Backed St. Louis Circuit Attorney REFUSES to Charge Dealer with 1,000 Opiate Pills and $30K in Cash – Shows Officers the Door

January 17, 2019

This is Jessie Smollett all over again.

Black privilege; the ability to be racist and nobody holding them accountable for it.

They make their own law’s,, and let the guilty go free.

George Soros is masturbating over this riot.


This woman is the DOMESTIC ENEMY that the founders warned future generations about. Beware!! She is extremely dangerous individual.

This is a Soros pick (ignorant, bought and sold, evil, non-qualified). Two dozen attorneys and more than one-third of the trial lawyers left the office when she was hired and this is a Democrat dominated office.

She has a plan to destroy America one city at a time with a little help from George Soros

Soros’ little demon.

Soros-Backed St. Louis Circuit Attorney Releases All Rioters and Looters from Jail Without Charges Following Monday’s Mass Rioting

June 3, 2020

St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner released ALL of the rioters and looters captured this week in the criminal Black Lives Matter – Antifa protests in St. Louis.

This was after 4 police officers were shot and one retired police captain was killed in the street on Facebook live.

Missouri state Attorney General Eric Schmitt was shocked by the move.

This is Jessie Smollett and Kim Foxx all over again.

Kim Gardner for Circuit Attorney

Jul 20, 2016

This is Jessie Smollett all over again.

They make their own law’s,, and let the guilty go free.








The biggest problem isn’t that we know about this,, but how too get them out of office before they do real harm!

Way too late for this one!

Our country has been letting George Soros run thing’s for decades.

From the Flynn case too the riot’s “soros is in charge” and our intelligence agency’s know it.

From impeachment too the Russian hoax,,“soros is in charge” and Pelosi knows it!

Looters Have Blown Up 50 Philly ATMs with Dynamite Since Saturday – Bombings Also in Pittsburgh, MN

Jun 3, 2020

HALOOTERS Have Blown Up 50 Philadelphia ATMs with Dynamite Since Saturday – One Looter Blew Himself Up – Bombings Also Reported in Pittsburgh and Minneapolis (VIDEO)NY: Peaceful Vigil Honors George Floyd;

Guardian Angels Fend Off Looters in NYC | NTD

Jun 4, 2020



Como the homo communist knew the riots were coming up ,, that’s why he implicated bail reform on NYC. Him and the mayor are on soros payroll.

Funny how that happened,, bail reform ,, than riots ,, and use bail reform to let them all out. This was a setup.

Cohomo let the curfew stand at 11 pm too give the looters time to work.

He changed it the next day to 8 pm to look good,, the damage was already done.

It’s all too easy to spot the truth about these riots,, all soros people everywhere,, from antifa to BLM to


Jun 3, 2020

Nothing says equality like bowing down to another race AOC: “It’s the rioters’ right to have you pay for their healthcare”

Everyone pay attention to AOC, you are watching a dictator being cultivated. “Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.” -George Carlin People who never owned slaves kneeling in front of people who never been slaves and ask for …forgiveness?? WTF is this? the circus?

AOC’s little speech kinda sounds like a terrorist demand.


The only reason this is going on is they have the permission of the democrats to go insane with terror activities.

The last time they did this they had permission.

The next time will be all out killing of white people in the streets.

Everything they did at these riots ,, from murder to arson,, they were let go. They were set free. They will continue to do this till the end of time.

AND,,Why not ,, I got me a Rolex,,I got me a new x box,,I got me a new TV. I GOT ME A WHITE PERSON,, and then I got out of jail.



All Rioters, Arsonists, Looters in St. Louis Freed from Jail Without Charges

4 Jun 2020

All rioters, arsonists, and looters have been released from jail in St. Louis, Missouri, without facing charges thus far by city prosecutors.

Throughout riots in St. Louis this week, only 36 individuals were arrested for rioting, looting, and committing arson. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch confirmed that all of those arrested, though, have been released from jail without charges against them.

In a stunning development, our office has learned that every single one of the St. Louis looters and rioters arrested were released back onto the streets by local prosecutor Kim Gardner. Another George Soros racist puppet.


The Ingraham Angle 06/4/20 Full Show | Laura Ingraham Fox News June 4, 2020


You can clearly see the racist communist traitor Obama and his corrupt wing man holder are doing all they can too fuel this fire too take out trump and protect his fake legacy.

They all know it’s prison time for them all,, if we get any justice. These freaks have walked away from prison time and again.

They are above the law until their not above the law,, and we finally get them put away for life or shot for treason. They are all traitor’s to the country.

Gretchen Whitmer: I ‘Understand’ the ‘Defund Police’ Sentiment

4 Jun 2020


Twitter REMOVES Trump’s Call For Unity Video… Because Reasons | Louder With Crowder

Jun 4, 2020

Twitter did this on purpose,, they would rather watch us kill each other.

This is blatantly obvious.

Protesters take different route during Thursday’s protest over George Floyd’s death

Jun 4, 2020

White People Hold Mass Prayer Begging Black People For Forgiveness

Jun 4, 2020





Senate reviews allowing subpoenas for Obama officials in Russia probe

Jun 4, 2020

Sen. Republicans Vote To SUBPOENA TOP OBAMA-ERA OFFICIALS Over Russia Probe

June 5, 2020


Protest Commentary

Jun 3, 2020

While I don’t have a lot of new information to add or anything to say that hasn’t already been said I’ve had a few people asking me to make a video on this topic.

I decided to keep my kitty face out of this video due to the seriousness of the topic.

CNN Tells White Parents To Guilt & Shame Their Kids To Fight Racism

Jun 4, 2020

Colin Flaherty: Just Another Fella Hunting and Killing a White Guy

May 24, 2020


Johnson & Johnson: ‘Kids Shouldn’t Get A F*cking [COVID] Vaccine;’ There are “Unknown Repercussions”

Sep 27, 2021

Project Veritas

This series is one of the BIGGEST stories in Project Veritas History. Big Tech WILL try to CENSOR and REMOVE it from social media. We need YOU to help distribute by proxy! Be sure to follow us on Telegram @projectveritas for continued updates!

Norway and Singapore are dropping all mitigation efforts related to covid and are learning to live with it. No mandates!

YOU’RE A LAWYER NOT A DOCTOR: Rand Paul SLAMS HHS Secretary Becerra Over Mandates

Sep 30, 2021

On Thursday, Senator rand Paul SLAMMED HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra over mandates imposed by a lawyer not a doctor with 0 medical experience!


The HHS is just as corrupt as he is…….this asshole is dangerous,,,someone needs to flat earth him upside the head…….

I love Paul Rand. We all know this is not about the science. It’s all about control.

Rand is right.

I’m not a flat earther.

I’m a pure blood.

And staying that way.

Sen Paul is true representative of people. But what follows after confronting them? Seems , nothing works against them. Their way or ..else

WOW: Burger King Forcing People to Show Vaccine Cards before Purchase!

Burger King Posts Sign that Reads: They Won’t Serve You Food If You Don’t Show Proof Of Being Vaccinated!

Firing Nurses Is The Democrats’ COVID Cure | Ep. 854

Sep 30, 2021

The libs turn on the sainted healthcare workers, Congress tries to dramatically increase fines on the unvaxxed, and some Democrats are proposing addressing the U.S. debt crisis by minting a $1 trillion coin.

Joe Biden is trying to crack down on American freedom with his tyrannical vaccine mandate. We’re not complying, and neither should you.


Just call YouTube the Nazi channel,,,Hitler did the same thing ,,,YouTube,,,the new cox cable……

that is so dumb, literally have to censor yourself for quoting people and reading Gov sources

They are saying the replacements will be medically trained; not licensed professionals.

That’s not the first hospital. Meanwhile Norway has removed all restrictions and returned to normalcy.

Apartheid Australia: Hell On Earth

September 30, 2021

Rumble — Although the Australian government has reluctantly abandoned it’s “zero-Covid” policy, which they admit did not work, the same authoritarian mindset dominates its new strategy. If you don’t take the health policy steps demanded by the government, you will be essentially under house arrest “indefinitely.” If police brutality we have seen in Australia recently were taking place in any country on the US “enemies” list, there would be sanctions and even threats of a “liberation.”

Take note. This is what happens AFTER the people have been disarmed for their own good.

Your comment speaks volumes, as to why the democrats are so anti 2nd Amendment.

Don’t forgive or forget the Tyrannical Brown Shirt cops who are executing these crimes against humanity. Make them all pay.

The New– New York Governor Is A Psychopathic Cult-Leader | Louder With Crowder

Sep 29, 2021

Just the FACT that she’s using God to push an agenda is sickening , she’s definitely NOT hearing him , but using God’s name to control people , SHAME ON HER.

Almost literally. Kathy Hochul, the New York Governor preaches the new State-Sponsored Secular-Religion… vaccines.

This woman’s daughter is a huge lobbyist for big pharma.

This is terrifying, this lady is a heretic. Her political ideology is the religion and she speaks for God. I feel for the people of New York.

Anthony Fauci & Barack Obama Orchestrated Coronavirus Attack On U.S.

April 14th, 2020

Exposing the Gates Agenda in Africa

Jun 14, 2020

Bill Gates!!!!!! EXPOSED!!!!! A Purported Plan to Ensure Covid -19 Is Registered In Our State Leaked

Jun 19, 2020

Pelosi Calls Joe Biden’s “Build Back Better” the “Obama Agenda” (VIDEO)

September 28, 2021

Was it her dementia? Or did she accidentally say the quiet part out loud and admit Obama is really running things?

81-year-old House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday called Joe Biden’s “Build Back Better” the “Obama agenda” during a press conference.

We have to keep government open…to address the full Obama agenda of building back better – with, and I love to saying building back better,” Pelosi said.

Like a mirror image they use the very thing they state to oppose.

Biden: “Not one single trace of scandal, it’s going to be nice to return to THAT”.

Oct 31, 2020


They cannot ever show the crowd,,,BECAUSE THERE ISN’T ONE..


Donna Brazile Outs Clinton as a Money Laundering Criminal. -She Rigged The Primaries

Nov 4, 2017

Note: I decided to go back to the news room, if you guys like it I’ll keep it.

Also the thing about Donna Brazile getting suicided by Hillary Clinton is a very real risk as she says she already feels scared for her safety and is haunted by the death of Seth Rich.


Sources: Brazile’s story…

Donna Brazile snoops into Seth Rich’s murder.…


The truth about the Mccabe family…

Hatch Act…

How Hillary laundered money to the DNC…

Hillary also laundered money for steele dossier…

The corrupt Deep State,,and “Obama Law”.

Obama Law legalized corruption,,and let the guilty go free.

From bankers to politicians,,this is the corrupt deep state mafia.

Marsha Blackburn Issues Stark Warning To Mark Zuckerberg

Sep 29, 2021


This is only happening because Nancy Pelosi and the Obama deep state mafia have allowed this to happen,,they have done nothing to stop Facebook and twitter because they do their bidding attacking trump,, and his supporters.

Every time I turn around we are being screwed by Pelosi and the Obama deep state mafia.

This is Obama law,,where the guilty go free…

On the Senate floor, Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) blasted Mark Zuckerberg over the effects of social media on young people.

Mark Zuckerberg should have been arrested and put away a long time ago


Zuckerface will help keep

mental health care in business for sure. As bad as a drug addiction. Sickening and disgusting.


Democrats are TRYING to ruin America. So WHERE is the GOP?!

Sep 30, 2021

With inflation on the rise, prices climbing for ordinary Americans, and the Biden administration seemingly doing everything in its power to destroy natural gas and oil, it’s like Democrats in power actively are ‘managing the decline of America,’ Glenn says. So while they’re doing all this, and while Congress GIVES the federal government more and more power, shouldn’t Republicans be standing up to defend our nation? It’s time Americans stand up and TELL the GOP, Glenn says, exactly what we stand for and what they should start to represent…


There is no GOP,,,there are only democrats,,, rinos and infiltrators,,,there has never been “two parties”,,,both parties are one and the same,,,,get it right…..


An ‘INVASION’ against your financial privacy is coming

Sep 29, 2021

Paul Merski, group executive vice president for the Independent Community Bankers of America, says it’s time to ’sound the alarm on this crazy onerous proposal from the Biden administration.’ Merski explains why the recent proposal — that banks must report to the IRS information about accounts with transactions of $600 or more — will cause financial privacy to ‘go out the window.’ Plus, he details how YOU can help independent banks fight this blatant violation of your Fourth Amendment privacy rights: Go to to send a message to your member of Congress today.




When you know you’re a loser.

When you catch the politicians red handed breaking our laws and you forget about it,,in a relatively short period time,,you then allow them to continue doing it all over again,, it’s like you forgive them for being corrupt.

And so they carry on as if nothing happened.

McConnell and Graham,,McCarthy and Cheney,, pulling the same stunts over and over again.

This is the difference between a real president,, and a fake corrupt deep state president.

If you don’t clearly see the difference ,,you’re a traitor to this great nation.


Trump: Afghanistan withdrawal was America’s MOST EMBARRASSING moment

Sep 21, 2021

For the first time in the history of the Glenn Beck Program, President Donald Trump joins Glenn to give HIS take on President Biden’s latest disastrous moves. He explains why America’s recent Afghanistan withdrawal never would’ve been such a mess under his administration, and why he thinks it was ‘the most embarrassing event in the history of our country.’ Plus, the former president gives his opinion on China’s potential takeover of Bagram Air Base, the Pakistani Prime Minister, and General Milley…

No, Biden being elected was Americas most embarrassing moment.. Afghanistan was #2


Finally, a talk with a President who totally understands America 🇺🇸 Great job Glenn

We miss you President Trump! Please Glenn try to get President Trump on for a full segment. Thank You 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

We miss you President Trump!

This Government Hate Trump Because The Country Loves Him.

It so good to hear President Trump’s voice! Now we need to see him back in the White House!!

We need President Trump back in office A S.A.P. Love you

Trump 🇺🇸 True American Patriot

We need you back!!!

I felt safe when you were in office 🙏🏼


This wonderful women never shut down any part of her state,,over the Covid scam.

She is a wonderful governor and patriot.

FULL LENGTH: Gov. Kristi Noem talks “weak” Kamala, AOC, 2024, federal overreach in Newsmax Town Hall

Sep 28, 2021

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem joins Newsmax for an exclusive town hall event covering her thoughts on pandemic policy, the border crisis, social and cultural issues at the forefront of the U.S. today, 2024 and beyond. – with Rob Schmitt

Australia’s 1996 Gun Confiscation Didn’t Work,,but you have no rights any longer,,you are a full blown communist Marxist country because of it.

People all over the world have no idea what’s going on in Australia because the corrupt communist MSM are covering it all up.

Pay close attention to this,,very soon the Obama third term Biden will be doing this in your country.

Nancy Pelosi has already called out the national guard against it’s own people.

You allowed this to happen,,you allowed them to walk in and steal the White House,, and they will soon be coming for you and your family.

Every election in the House and Senate are rigged to keep them in office.

You think we have a 50/50 seat balanced House and Senate,,this is to insure a fair and just government.

You finally saw the truth when republican senator Mitch McConnell betrayed the whole country over election fraud,,him and so many others.

There were 35 so called republicans who betrayed you standing right next to him.

All these years you thought they were there to protect you from corruption coming from the other side of the isle.

Turns out they ARE the corruption.

The Obama deep state mafia and the Obama third term fake president “Biden” are making sure you never make it to another election,, where you will be able to vote in a good honest president like trump.

Your votes never mattered,,and they will never matter in any future fake rigged election’s,, all over the country,,in any government office.

Are you really stupid enough to believe Biden got 81 million votes?

You can go anywhere in the country and you will not find 10 million Biden voters,,let alone 81 million,,YOU’RE NUTS….people DO NOT LIKE BIDEN,,and never have.

Biden has run for president 3 other times in his life,,he never had a chance,,no one voted for him and people never liked him.

All of a sudden he get 81 million votes,,OUT OF THE BLUE,,like magic he gets more votes than Obama ever did.

All it took was four tries,,three wasn’t enough,,this was his forth time running for president,,and he never left the basement.

All you have to do is look at his rallies,,he had as much as 25 people at some of them.

He blamed Covid for the lack of people at his rally’s.

He said he wanted it that way because of Covid,,THE SAME COVID PROBLEM HAD BY PRESIDENT TRUMP.

Didn’t president trump have the same Covid problem?

Of course he did,,and so did the real voters.

The real reason Biden had no voters at his rallies,, is because they were all at the trump rallies.

Biden had 25 people at his rally’s,,TRUMP had 75,000 people at his rally’s.

Trump had more people waiting to use the bathroom than Biden had in total,,even when Obama showed up to help.

Every trump rally had 50,000 people on the inside,,AND 50,000 on the outside trying to get in.

Every rally was just like that..

The same Covid problem with a different turnout.

The very same conditions for both men.

The virus never said it was immune to the trump rallies.

The virus never said,,NO trump rallies for me,,I’M just going to the Biden rallies,,only the Biden rallies will be affected.

I will only affect the Biden rallies,,I will force 81 million voters too stay home.

Both men had the identical issues to deal with.

The virus didn’t favor one man over another,,what a stupid statement.

The fact is that their isn’t a single Biden rally with any voters at all,,SO where did the 81 million voters come from?

Where the hell are these 81 million voters?

You cant hide 81 million voters,,YOU CANT HIDE 10 MILLION VOTERS.

SO,, Biden has no voters coming to his rallies,,”SO” it stands to reason the most popular president in history didn’t need your vote to win.

He did not need your vote to win,,that’s key..


He Didn’t Need Your 81 Million Votes To Win Because,, All He Had To Do Was Steal Them From Trump On Election Night.

That’s exactly what the corrupt democrats did.

And they did it right in front of your face.

All they did was “Rig Another Election”.

Only real stupid people would fall for this obvious con job.

The question is ”are you one of them”?

You were conned AGAIN…

The sole reason the democrats have gotten away with this for the past 70 years is because they know the stupid are easily fooled.

Do you really believe someone voted to keep Maxine Waters in office?

Or Nancy Pelosi,,or Chuck Schumer,,Mitch McConnell or Kevin McCarthy?

Why would any rational person vote to keep them?

IN CASE YOU DIDN’T NOTICE,,they have never done anything good for our great country.

Name ONE GOOD THING Nancy Pelosi has done for our country,,or Schumer,,or Biden,,or Chaney.

These assholes have been in office for 40-55 years each.

They have been in office so long they are considered “fossils” of congress.

A whole lifetime in office with nothing good to show from it.

They might be able to fool the stupid,,but no good patriots ever voted to keep these corrupt creeps in office.

The truth is,,NO ONE voted for these freaks,,these elections were rigged to keep them in office.

You have been taken over by the enemy of the state,,the Obama deep state mafia and their fake president Biden have big plans for you all.

Being able to protect yourself isn’t part of their plan.

Anthony Fauci & Barack Obama Orchestrated Coronavirus Attack On U.S.

April 14th, 2020

Australia ‘sharpening its teeth’ to be ready for communist China

Jul 1, 2020

Tucker shreds Australia’s tough COVID restrictions

Sep 30, 2021

Fox News host gives his take on Australian government’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and the protests that have ensued because of it on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’

Obama the racist communist traitor tries to get our guns AGAIN.

Australia’s 1996 Gun Confiscation Didn’t Work – And it Wouldn’t Work in America

Within hours of the gunfire falling silent on the campus of Umpqua Community College in Oregon Thursday, President Obama stepped up to a podium and declared that America should follow the path of our Anglosphere cousins to reduce gun violence.

We know that other countries, in response to one mass shooting, have been able to craft laws that almost eliminate mass shootings,” the president said. “Friends of ours, allies of ours — Great Britain, Australia, countries like ours. So we know there are ways to prevent it.”

Australia” is Obama’s preferred euphemism for that most cherished of gun-control ideals: mass confiscation of the citizenry’s weapons.


Nancy Pelosi making things up again,,This is a clear case of Obama “blow job” law,,this stupid corrupt communist bitch never tells the truth.

Glenn breaks down Nancy Pelosi’s AWFUL critique of capitalism

Sep 20, 2021

During her trip to the UK, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi argued that capitalism ‘has not served our economy as well as it could.’ It’s quite the blanket statement, Glenn says. Then, Pelosi goes on to awfully use economist Adam Smiths’ works to explain why our entire system needs a revamp. But her arguments are SO bad, so Glenn is here to explain why…


Nancy Pelosi,,,the most evil demented person in the universe,,,a real good choice for the Obama third term Biden…


The whole section on Obama law and the General Milley traitors.

Obama Law continued:

Obama Law legalized corruption,,and let the guilty go free.

Breaking the law is the “new normal”….

This is “Pelosi Prison” under “Obama Law”,,where the guilty go free.

Obama Law legalized corruption,,and let the guilty go free.

Breaking the law is the “new normal”….

All this guy did was tell the truth about government and military corruption.

Now he’s in “Pelosi Prison”. This is the same thing she did to General Flynn and the rest of the good honest people she’s railroaded using congress.

Military leaders slammed by parents of imprisoned Marine

Sep 29, 2021

Parents of Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller told ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ their son’s only crime was ‘speaking truth to power, and power couldn’t handle it.

For this. I’m so pissed… he was talking for every fallen soldier.

Free Lt. Col Stuart Scheller He is a HERO and should never have been a prisioner.


No rules for the swamp. Rules only apply to the little people the drones.

This is the biggest tragedy! The 13 fallen soldiers are smiling down on him for standing for the truth!

Whoever is in charge hates America. I can’t believe I don’t trust our military. Sad times for America 🙁

Set him free!!!! He is more of an American hero than Milley will ever be…

This is “Pelosi Prison” under “Obama Law”,,where the guilty go free.

Obama Law legalized corruption,,and let the guilty go free.

General Milley commits high treason,, and this hero goes to prison for making a true statement.

Madison Cawthorn Calls For Release Of Marine Corps Veteran Imprisoned After Criticizing Biden

Sep 28, 2021

This is “Pelosi Prison” under “Obama Law”,,where the guilty go free.


Lt Colonel Stuart Scheller to SECDEF : We Demand Accountability!

Aug 28, 2021

Colonel Scheller “I have been fighting for 17 years,” . “I am willing to throw it all away to say to my senior leaders: I demand accountability.” I agree with the Colonel.

This ladies and gentlemen is what a real hero looks like..not a pro athlete or Hollywood celebrity. This man has the balls to say what every military service member, active and retired is thinking. From an army dog to a devil dog. Stay strong Colonel.

Marine being held in military lockup for criticizing Afghan exit

Sep 28, 2021

Lawyer Tony Buzbee tells ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ Lt. Col Stuart Scheller was wrongly put in prison for demanding accountability.

Don’t forget this man, he gave up everything to stand up for what’s right.

This is exactly how the regime wants to treat every true American. Just sitting here patiently wondering what the straw will be that finally breaks the camels back….

This Marine is the only one in what I’m seeing in the officer ranks that has any balls. He is a true American Patriot. God Bless you Sir! And I do mean SIR!!!

This Lieutenant needs to be released immediately. This is outrageous. Biden needs to replace him in prison for what he has done to this country.

This incident makes him that much more of a hero.

It’s would be wise to release him because anger is building and we’re not talking about wimpy Antifa anger we’re talking about real men with balls.

This is so wrong. They need to let this Hero out of jail. Someone has to stand up to what went down in Afghanistan. Thank you sir.

The only person that should be in prison is the totally incompetent Joe Biden

Biden is doing everything what the Left feared Trump would do.

This man deserves a medal for his honesty. The dems are crazy

This is “Pelosi Prison” under “Obama Law”,,where the guilty go free.

Obama law “legalized corruption”,,and let the guilty go free.

Madison Cawthorn Calls For Release Of Marine Corps Veteran Imprisoned After Criticizing Biden

Sep 28, 2021

On the House floor, Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) called for the release of United States Marine Corps Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller, who has been held in the brig after released videos online criticizing President Biden.

Two American Patriots , Madison Cawthorn and Lt. Col. Stu Scheller . Mattis and Milley actually belong in the brig.

This is “Obama Law”,,where the guilty go free.

GOP Rep Tells Milley Point Blank He Should Resign Over Calls To China At End Of Trump Administration

Sep 29, 2021

Rep. Vicky Hartzler (R-MO) questions Gen. Mark Milley about his calls with Chinese generals during a House Armed Services hearing.

A true patriot lies in jail for asking this incompetent to take responsibility and they choose to say , don’t blame me.

That’s not all he should resign over and FREE Lt. Col Stuart Scheller‼🔓

How is it that the General can call his Chinese counterpart and there not be a transcript of that call?

The problem with the military, is that the leadership is to political, politics does not belong in the military.


This is “Obama Law”,,where the guilty go free.

This is high treason….

This is the same asshole who said “I want to know about “white rage” I want to be “woke”..

WTF is that?

This asshole is a communist pussy traitor who could care less about protecting our country.

GOP Rep Tells Milley To Resign For ‘Colluding With Chinese Military Officials’ And ‘Woke’ Pandering

Sep 29, 2021

At today’s House Armed Services Committee hearing, Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX) slammed Gen. Mark Milley.

Greg plays the one Milley grilling that made him say “Damn right” | Greg Kelly Reports

Sep 29, 2021

Greg Kelly cuts through the spin and buck-passing from President Biden’s top military leaders and plays the one Congressman’s line of questioning that made him say “Damn right.”

Greg Kelly cuts through the spin and buck-passing from President Biden’s top military leaders and plays the one Congressman’s line of questioning that made him say “Damn right.” – via Greg Kelly Reports, weekdays at 7PM ET on Newsmax

Now we go deep into the “Pelosi Prison” and how things really work in our corrupt congress,,and the “Obama Law” used to protect the guilty.

Obama Law legalized corruption,,and let the guilty go free.

Anyone saying anything against these traitors will end up in “Pelosi Prison” under “Obama Law” and go to jail immediately.

Just like,, Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller,,and remember what she did to a real war hero,,General Flynn.

General Milley the “Communist Traitor WOKE General” will walk free as a bird.

This is Obama Law,,where the guilty go free…

Milley called Newsmax “domestic terrorists,” lied about it at House testimony: Eric Bolling

Sep 29, 2021

General Mark Milley characterized Newsmax as “domestic terrorists” in his notes about Jan 6th, Bob Woodward’s book alleges, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman was “caught in a lie” about it by Rep. Jim Banks. – via Eric Bolling

This is outright high treason….

Milley faces growing calls to resign over call with China

Sep 16, 2021

‘Outnumbered’ panel question the purpose of General Milley’s phone call with China if not to undermine President Trump’s authority.

Nancy Pelosi was also part of this corrupt treasonous deal and doing business with the very corrupt General Milley,,

Again this is high treason,,Pelosi acting as president behind president trump’s’ back placing herself into the corrupt presidential Frey of corruption…

Milley Details Nancy Pelosi’s Attempt to Take Over the Chain-of-Command

Sep 28, 2021

In his remarks, Milley also addressed a phone call from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on January 8, 2021, in which she pressed him about the process to launch a nuclear weapon. Milley says he informed her that while launching such a weapon requires multiple people in the chain of command, the president is the sole authority to launch an attack.

“Speaker of the House Pelosi called me to inquire about the president’s ability to launch nuclear weapons.

This is such a bull shit blow job involving two traitors in our government,,this is high treason AGAIN..

This is Obama law,,where the guilty go free…

Milley Defends Calls with Chinese Counterpart, Pelosi, and Acting on Trump Nuke Fears

28 Sep 2021

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Army Gen. Mark Milley on Tuesday addressed for the first time publicly allegations from a recently published book, Peril, by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa.

The book, published last week, alleges Milley had two backchannel calls with his Chinese counterpart on October 30, 2020, and January 8, 2021, to reassure him the United States was not going to attack China and if it was, he would give China a heads-up. Another allegation was that Milley held a meeting with senior military leaders and told them not to follow orders from Trump unless he was personally notified.

Every time they get caught they walk!

Obama law “legalized corruption”,,and let the guilty go free.

Pelosi-Milley phone call about ‘unhinged’ Trump is target of Judicial Watch lawsuit

The phone call may have set “a dangerous precedent that could undermine the president’s role as commander in chief,” the watchdog group says

Published March 11


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s January phone call with U.S. Army Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff — in which Pelosi raised concerns about what she described as an “unhinged” President Trump — is now the subject of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit.

Watchdog group Judicial Watch announced its legal action this week, saying the call between the House speaker and the nation’s top military officer – regarding the powers of a sitting president – set a “dangerous precedent” that could affect future presidencies.

The group said its Jan. 11 request for information regarding the Jan. 8 call between Pelosi and Milley received no response from the Department of Defense.

Soon after the phone call, which ocurred two days after the riot at the U.S. Capitol, Pelosi described the purposePelosi-Milley phone call about ‘unhinged’ Trump is target of Judicial Watch lawsuit

of the conversation in a letter to her Democratic colleagues.


“This morning, I spoke to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley to discuss available precautions for preventing an unstable president from initiating military hostilities or accessing the launch codes and ordering a nuclear strike,” Pelosi wrote. “The situation of this unhinged President could not be more dangerous, and we must do everything that we can to protect the American people from his unbalanced assault on our country and our democracy.”



Milley Defends Calls with Chinese Counterpart, Pelosi, and Acting on Trump Nuke Fears

September 29, 2021

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Army Gen. Mark Milley on Tuesday addressed for the first time publicly allegations from a recently published book, Peril, by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa.

The book, published last week, alleges Milley had two backchannel calls with his Chinese counterpart on October 30, 2020, and January 8, 2021, to reassure him the United States was not going to attack China and if it was, he would give China a heads-up. Another allegation was that Milley held a meeting with senior military leaders and told them not to follow orders from Trump unless he was personally notified.

Is Nancy Pelosi pulling General Mark Milley’s strings?: Devine

September 15, 2021


According to Bob Woodward’s new book “Peril,” Joint Chiefs Chair Gen. Mark Milley took instruction from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

If you believe the latest Bob Woodward book, the United States has lost civilian control of its military — unless you count Nancy Pelosi, who seems to have been in control of everything since she became speaker in 2019 with the single-minded goal of bringing down Donald Trump.

Everything has gone downhill since, and most dangerously at the Pentagon, where a cohort of woke generals fell under Pelosi’s malign spell.

That’s the only way you can understand how Gen. Mark Milley could have become so deranged that he cast himself as the hero of a “Seven Days in May”-style fever dream in which only he could save the nation from Trump launching nuclear war with China to stay in office.

It’s an insane scenario, a left-wing equivalent of the most far-fetched QAnon conspiracies.

But this is what is claimed in the Woodward book, titled “Peril,” co-authored by Robert Costa. So alarmed was the tightly wound general about what he imagined Trump might do in the weeks before and after last year’s election that he made “secret calls” to his counterpart in China, promising to warn him if the president ordered an attack.

A lot of Republicans are demanding that Milley be tried for treason, after the Washington Post published extracts from “Peril” this week. But a lunatic asylum might be more appropriate.

Milley Admits He Spoke With Journalists Who Reported China Phone Calls

Sep 28, 2021

This is “Obama Law”,,where the guilty go free.

Tucker: This is one of the worst stories of our time

Sep 28, 2021

‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ host discusses the punishment of Marine Colonel Stu Scheller for questioning the Afghanistan withdrawal.

Tucker, please don’t let this story about Lt Col Scheller die. Bring it up again and again and again. This true American deserves not to be forgotten.

Absolutely criminal how Lt Col Stu Scheller is being treated.

It was fine when you disobey orders from President Trump. Now it’s“TREASON”! 😴

Top General Testifies About Call with Nancy Pelosi To Discuss Nuclear Attack, Whether Donald Trump Is ‘Crazy’

September 29, 2021

Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, appeared before the Senate Armed Services committee on Tuesday and defended several phone calls he made in the final days of Donald Trump‘s presidency.

Milley’s testimony was originally scheduled to discuss the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan but some senators also wanted to get to the bottom of the explosive recent reports from the book Peril by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa.

The book includes details of a call between Milley, 63, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, 81, after the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. The authors assert that when Pelosi repeatedly called Trump “crazy,” Milley said, “I agree with you on everything.”

That’s really odd,,, president trump was falsely impeached with no proof of any wrong doing,,, twice in 4 years,,,by insane Nancy Pelosi,,what is that she’s saying about “who’s crazy”!

Judicial Watch Sues for Records of Pelosi Call with Pentagon Chief

March 09, 2021

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Defense for records about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s January 8, 2021, telephone call with Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. U.S. Department of Defense (No 1:21-cv-00593)).

Pelosi acknowledged the call in a January 8 letter to her Democratic colleagues. In the letter, Pelosi purportedly related her discussion with Milley earlier that same day: “This morning, I spoke to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley to discuss available precautions for preventing an unstable president from initiating military hostilities or accessing the launch codes and ordering a nuclear strike. The situation of this unhinged President could not be more dangerous, and we must do everything that we can to protect the American people from his unbalanced assault on our country and our democracy.”

The lawsuit was filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia after the Defense Department failed to respond to a January 11, 2021, Freedom of Information (FOIA) request for:

Gen. Milley: Nancy Pelosi Tried To Undermine Nuclear Launch Chain Of Command

Sep 29, 2021


In their book, “Peril,” journalists Bob Woodward and Robert Costa went into detail on the call, adding that Pelosi and Milley agreed that Trump was “crazy.”

Milley told Pelosi that there were “a lot of checks in the system” to prevent Trump from going rogue, the book said.

Pelosi reportedly then told Milley: “He’s crazy. You know he’s crazy.”

He’s crazy and what he did yesterday is further evidence of his craziness,” Pelosi added, referring to the deadly Capitol riot.

According to the book, Milley responded, “I agree with you on everything.”

These asshole communist freaks are guilty of all kinds of sedition and treason….

But who ended up in Pelosi prison under Obama law,,,where the guilty go free…..?

Don’t you feel safer knowing these corrupt communist Marxist freaks are in charge of everything?

Did you forget,, it’s Nancy Pelosi’s job to protect you from this kind of corruption?

Don’t you feel better knowing that?

How’s she doing so far?

Now this is how Obama law in congress really works….

This is “Obama blow job law”.

He is protected by Pelosi and Obama law,,so he’s using the famous “Obama blow job law”.

When you know your safe you can talk like this,,,,,,,,


JUST IN: Gen. Milley responds to explosive report he went behind Trump in calls with China, Pelosi

Sep 28, 2021

General Mark Milley delivers a statement on the report as first reported in “Peril,” the latest book by Bob Woodard, that in a pair of calls, Milley twice assured his Chinese counterpart that the U.S. would not launch a nuclear strike.

Maybe you need a little more help making up your mind?

Would Obama Pelosi “fetus on a stick” help?

Yea,, that’s right,,that’s what I said,,,fresh never frozen,,,

How cool is that????

No pun intended….

Well here you go…….

ASSHOLE OF THE CENTURY,,,,PLACE YOUR ORDERS HERE….”ONE” fresh never frozen” fetus on a stick” please…

Fitton: Documents show Obama FDA buying fetal heads ‘fresh, never frozen’

September 17, 2021

Rumble — Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton speaks out on new damning documents showing the Obama-era FDA purchased fetal body parts. One America’s John Hines has more from Washington.

Like AG Barr said,,Nothing to see here….

Congressman wears signed Trump hat, hits first Congressional home run in 40 years | Wake Up America

Sep 30, 2021

Biden booed again,,at congressional baseball game …

Pelosi was trying to find a way to impeach President Trump for the Congressman wearing the hat and hitting the homer.

Loved the boo’s patriots! Love it! Way to go President Trump! ❤️❤️❤️👏👏👏

Real patriots, love President Trump, for the love of his country, his a real American God bless him🇺🇸👍🏻

President Trump supporters are true American patriots

We need President Trump back ! We need his strong leadership!

Sure Joe won… I’ve never seen him in a public crowd where he wasn’t booed

Biden, the most hated President in US history, 80 million votes my azz !

America hates this whole Democratic Administration!

Disgusting faggot racist Don “Fingers” Lemon is finally going to trial for “do you like pussy or dick”?

Disgusting racist pig fingers is another example of “black privilege” and using the race card..

Another form of Obama law..

CNN’s Don Lemon is GOING TO TRIAL! Lawyer Explains – Viva Frei Vlawg

Sep 28, 2021

Dustin Hice’s lawsuit against CNN’s Don Lemon is going to trial. Here’s the update. Join this channel to get access to perks:


Don “fingers” Lemon is the perfect example of “black privilege”,,,he is a hard core affirmative action racist…

This is being removed by google-tube,,only a fag could get away with such a disgusting act….

I notice Lemon is presenting with an even greater level of hysteria, hatred and violence on his show if that’s even possible, and maybe it’s on account of the anticipation of the public humiliation he will experience whatever the outcome of the trial. Couldn’t happen to a creepier guy.

Mr Lemon seems to be a very angry, hateful, bully. I’m not surprised.


I’m glad glad glad that Don will have to go to court…and that he couldn’t buy his way out of it.

I remember that…the guy was publicly humiliated and he had to leave his job, home area, and has to deal with accusations that have caused him such pain. I’m glad he has the bravery to bring this kind of bad behavior to light

He will just go on the stand and call himself ‘Fake News’ and win. It’s the Rachael Mad Cow defense. Never mind it’s a sexual assault case.

Don lemon and all white people must die racist rant.

If THIS Doesn’t Wake People Up – NOTHING WILL!

September 30th, 2021

Stop coddling Sodomites and their unhygienic and perverse lifestyles and giving them special privileges.

The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the

power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and

that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses.” Malcolm X