McConnell EXPOSES Pelosi’s Outrageous Wish List in New Stimulus Deal

August 7th, 2020

This is all crap, the senate and congress are shit, its how they scratch each other backs to get what they want and do it in public to give the illusion they are fighting for you, which is a lie

So weed is a successful treatment….but hydroxychloroquine is not. Right got it.

President Pelosi is screwing the people again.

If you pay any attention at all you’ll clearly see the corrupt democrat deep state screw the American people over and over again.

This is Obama law at work,, “you know” “the screw you” Obama Clinton Pelosi law.


McConnell slams Democrats, Pelosi over “wish list”

Aug 5, 2020

WOW!!!! President Trump Signs Executive Orders for Coronavirus Stimulus

Aug 9, 2020

This video had to be posted here so you could see the end of the video when “president Pelosi” is giving one of her famous “blow job’s” too the country using “Obama Clinton Pelosi” law.

Everything this communist traitor is saying is a lie.

She does all this with a big shit eating grin on her face and why not? She has used this virus to give trillion’s of dollar’s too her corrupt friends all over the world. All thing’s that have nothing too do with the coronavirus,, just way’s for her and her friend’s too get paid.

You would have a grin on your face too if you just raped the taxpayer of trillion’s of dollar’s, AGAIN.

And to add insult too injury ,,she named her bill the “hero’s act” suggesting she is looking after the people of this country when she would rather see you and your family dead,, “and is working on “just that”.

If AG Barr just did his job she would have been shot for treason year’s ago.

Pay attention,,in case you missed it we are in the middle of a civil war,, a “civil race war”.

All caused by “president Pelosi” and her deep state friend’s,, too remove trump from office.

The proof of what she really is ,,is all over this website,, go see for yourself!

House Democrats’ HEROES Act is a giant political scam

SHOCKING REVELATION: Trump EXPLOSIVE Press Conference from the White House

August 9th, 2020

The Democrat Party hates America.
Anyone who belongs to it belongs to an enemy organization.

The American people allowed Nancy Pelosi to take the House in the midterms. This hurt the president very badly. It hurt all of us very badly. These people are wicked.

The progressives used the Mueller HOAX as ‘dirt’ on Trump. Some people fell for it, while anyone with more than a neuron knew it was utter bullshit. Without that, I doubt the election would have gone that far left…

Covid/BLM … that’s the ‘REAL’ VIRUS created by the DemoTwats.

Most important election EVER – Trump 2020 – RINOs need to be purged just like Portland.

Trump brings HONESTY back to the republicans!

Team Purple outsourced our jobs and factories for decades and FINALLY, Trump is making people choose to be a Nation OR the country goes backwards towards globalization that almost took us to the event horizon of doom (where we are hovering still due to the plandemic).

More and more people will wake up and walk away from the status quo or else the silent majority will not be so silent and the rest will either be punished or go back into hiding… EVERYTHING must be done to detect CHEATING – until we get VoterID.

Orange Man is the Best !

This is president Pelosi using mafia blackmail,, she does this all the time,, this is Obama Clinton Pelosi law.


Kellyanne Conway at Press Conference

August 8th, 2020

Nancy Pants throwing a hissy fit. President Trump needs to do a live feed of these meetings. That would end Nancy’s tantrums.

They’re all (both fake parties) are working hand in glove to keep you distracted from the real issues which, if the rulers get their way, will destroy American liberties. As you bicker and select sides like those within a middle school girls’ bathroom. Juvenescent and not pertinent to the major issues at hand.

Agree or disagree with policy, take a look at the amazing women on the conservative side. Composed, smart and prepared. No comparison to the unhinged left.

Conservative women are better looking as well.

Leftist women always look like meth addicted lesbians.


Nasty Piglosi is a drunken child.

She is still vouching and shilling for a VACCINE!!!! Quit believing in YOUR cult over the OTHER cult! She IS A TRAITOR! The bullshit Left/Right paradigm won’t save us or U.S. THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A COVID 19 PANDEMIC!!!! We must arrest all governors/attorney general’s and POTUS plus a majority of Congress and the medical scum the President has dictating our lives. Do not obey. Take back our Republic this Labor Day!! March, surround your local governor’s residence and arrest them. WE HAVE A RIGHT TO DEFEND OURSELVES AND OUR PRECIOUS CONSTITUTION.

Our great President has some great women around him. That should say something to women. WOMEN FOR TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wait, so Keith Ellison banned the release of THIS video, and it resulted in riots approx. 30 people killed, burned cities and millions of damage? Is this for real? Is he gonna get away with this?

It was Keith Ellison that banned the release of this video? Are you fucking kidding me?

Exactly. There better be Congressional hearings on this shit. If not, America’s Judicial system is lost.

America is ready for a new political party. That’s why people voted for Trump.

The rioting was by design

First, it was Jussie Smollett. Next it was Bubba! Now we find out that the George Tape was fake. He was inside his car saying that he could not breath, he was nuts, most likely on drugs, and look at all the looting and rioting and how the NBA and NFL have plaster us with “Black Lives Matter.”
Well I have one for them, it seems that “BLACK LIES DON’T MATTER.”

Racism is the United States is minimal compared to the rest of the world. Americans aren’t the problem, they stopped slavery long ago. DNC wants to bring it back as the welfare state, they have always been the party of slavery.

Keith Ellison needs to be indicted by a Federal Grand Jury and summarily removed from office, incarcerated and fined..

WATCH powerful shockwave from Beirut explosion hit church as guests gather for wedding

7 Aug, 2020


Morning after the explosion | Beirut covered in mountains of rubble in the wake of major blast

Aug 5, 2020

Explained: What happened in deadly Beirut explosion

Aug 5, 2020

Inside the Beirut blast site

Aug 6, 2020

Sky’s special correspondent Alex Crawford reports from inside the area hit by the explosion in Beirut as rescue teams search for those still missing.




Sign this “anti-fossil and mandatory drug testing” petition,, soon to become the “show us your tax return’s” bill. Proof you were legitimately elected to stay in office,, and once a month drug testing for all members of the house and the senate. Squad members need to be tested once every 4 day’s because of the proficiency in using the “no one is above the law” “Obama Clinton Pelosi law”.


Sign this “anti-fossil and mandatory drug testing” petition,, soon to become the “show us your tax return’s” bill.
Proof you were legitimately elected to stay in office,, and once a month drug testing for all members of the house and the senate. Squad members need to be tested once every 4 day’s because of the proficiency in using the “no one is above the law” “Obama Clinton Pelosi law”.

You have to pass the election to see what’s in it….

We know the elections are rigged,, and we also know their rigged too keep you in office.
Maxine Waters in office for decade’s,,NO WAY,,no one voted for her,,how the hell is she still in office?. How about Pelosi,,Nadler,,Schiff,, Schumer? People hate these corrupt slob’s and don’t want them in office,, they are members of the swamp,,we demand you all step down,, RIGHT NOW,, GTFO.
Many of these member’s are dinosaur’s or “fossil’s in congress” freak’s that rig the election’s both way’s,, first to get elected too office,, and then too stay in office.
Waters is a perfect example of this,, we have all seen video’s of her insanely going off half cocked and insanely ranting and race baiting,,screaming at the top of her lung’s making “holy shit” videos.
Do you expect us to believe there are people,, “real people” not from her George Soros list,,that want her in office,,GET LOST,, we know better,, GTFO….
President Pelosi with the shit eating grin,, this communist traitor is so insane she can’t stop laughing in your face while talking shit at the podium,, look at her face,,always the shit eating grin!
Maybe it’s because she just stole trillion’s of dollar’s from the taxpayer,,AGAIN while “protecting our constitution” and proclaiming “no one is above the law” as she and her deep state friend’s break every law in our country.
Impeach this Pelosi,,”GTFO”.
AOC and OMAR a “full blown communist racist” and a “Muslim communist racist” in our congress who hate our country,, and OMAR proclaiming on the floor of the house”all white people must die” in so many words.
Mother Pelosi would never let them get away with this crap if they weren\'t high on drug’s.
Remember mother Pelosi said”no one is above the law”!
These freaks are clearly using “OBAMA LAW” and drug’s,, to get around this and we demand once a month mandatory drug testing for them and all their “LIT” friend’s in the squad,, and all members of the house and senate.
WATCH,, “the ones that shout the loudest”,, “are the most guilty”,, “every time” never fail’s.
My money’s on waters and tlaib and that now famous pot smoker running for president and best friends with Smollett,,and possible VP pick,,Kamala Harris who was all lit up during that radio broadcast admitting “I dood the cool stuff” ha ha ,,goooood…… ask her how she put hundred’s of pot smokers in jail and prison and watch her scream the loudest!
YEA,, we need mandatory drug testing,, watch how quickly they make pot legal when we start testing them,,no one is above the law,,huh,, president Pelosi.
And for our next bill,, mandatory tax return’s bill,, we want to see every tax return from every member of the house and the senate,, we demand it!!
Geee,, that\'s just like president Pelosi and her scam coronavirus bill’s...cooool,,,,,,,
Sign this “anti-fossil and mandatory drug testing” petition,, soon to become the “show us your tax return’s” bill.

**your signature**

Although written with levity,, this is a real petition,, please pass it on to your friend’s all over the web,, we must help drain the swamp any way we can...Thank you...TPC

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