As far as the rigged election and Biden in the Oval Office,,WE WILL NOT SURVIVE HIM BEING IN OFFICE,,,and

How to beat the real racist and Obama Law….



Pfizer says We Need Three Covid Vaccines, Every Year, FOREVER

April 16, 2021

Now that you know the Covid virus is really the flu,,you can stop wearing the mask.

Episode 918 – Shut Up and Get Your Gene Therapy…NY Times and Fauci Move the Herd Immunity Goal Posts

May 3, 2021


I told you, the virus is here forever.

The virus was brought here as a weapon by the democrats and Obama deep state mafia,,,this is an Obama third term.

We are never going to get our country back unless you start to understand we are a communist country right now.

The people running our country have been planing this for decades, Hillary Clinton was going to be the first official dictator.

Now Biden is doing what she was going to do.

Turning us into a full-blown communist country.

As far as the rigged election and Biden in the Oval Office, WE WILL NOT SURVIVE HIM BEING IN OFFICE.

The people running Biden are Marxist communist traitors.

This is part of the Obama deep state mafia’s agenda.

No one voted for Biden and the whole world knows it,,,,and the truth is being proven and exposed every day.

Every state is going to follow Arizona over the cliff, exposing the rigging of the Biden Obama third term.

All the corruption is being exposed.

All these corrupt Government officials ,bought and paid for traitors, telling us we have no choice.

Biden must be removed if we are to survive as a nation.

To suggest we can wait until 2022 or 2024 to get some kind of justice for the obvious rigging of elections,, and the treason they have forced upon us,, is the worst part of living in America today.

This is living under forced communism, and is worse than death.

We need to stop talking and get these freaks arrested, from Pelosi and her fake impeachments and Obamagate to Biden the fake president.

They keep doing this because no one will stop them, STOP TALKING ABOUT IT AND STOP THEM.

We have no justice department any longer,,we can not get justice when the DOJ and FBI are totally corrupt,we have nowhere to turn, this is “Obama Law”.

Do a citizen’s arrest with a thousand people and remove them.

Get General Flynn to bring in the military, DO SOMETHING.

The corrupt democrats and the Rino’s will never relinquish their power, they own everything.

Our supreme court is working for them.

They have their personal army of racist terrorist burning down our city’s.

They walked right in and stole the Oval Office, and you talk, and talk, and talk.

Everyone is afraid of going to Pelosi prison.

The democrats know they can blame you for everything, they are the saints, and you are the demons.

They have made us look like total buffoons while calling us white racist Nazis.

The racist are calling us racist,,the communist are calling us Nazis,,the Nazis are calling us communist.

You are allowing this.

Even really stupid people will cave in after a while,,once they see you’re not falling for this crap,, they’ll go find someone else to offend.

You’re the only racist in the room..

Something this egregious demands special attention.

This next section tells you how to defeat this insanity.

My next section will show you how to fight this blatant lie and win.

Pay attention:

When a freak SJW racist says you’re a racist say,,YES,,I know you’re a racist,,when are you going to stop?, you’re the only racist in the room, race wasn’t even an issue until you showed up, we have enough problems in this country already, we don’t need your racism, we are demanding you leave, GTFO.

When they scream YOU’RE THE RACIST, NOT ME,,SAY,” YES that’s right”, When you took that knee it really showed us how racist you really are, WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO STOP, WE DEMAND YOU LEAVE OUR COUNTRY, GET THE FUK OUT.

Give them nowhere to go.

These freaks are already insanely out of control,,and you already know what they’re going to do.

When they say you’re a white racist Nazi say,,”YES YOU’RE RIGHT”,,”we know you’re a racist”,,,when are you going to stop being a racist terrorist and get out of our country? We are demanding you leave,,we get it,,YOU’RE A RACIST NAZI,,we don’t want your kind in our country,,”you’re the only racist in the room”…racism wasn’t even here until you showed up,,,we demand you leave….GET OUT…

When they say,,THAT’S RACIST,,YOUR RACIST,,YOU WERE BORN RACIST,,,,,,,,,,SAY “YOUR RIGHT,, SO STOP DOING IT”,,we know you’re a racist already, and we’re sick of it,,you sound like you were born one,,you need to leave,,GET OUT.,,GTFO.

These people are emotional freaks who understand nothing but insane rhetoric,,they will hate being taken out by their very own hate speech.

Throwing their hate speech right in their face will eventfully wear them out,,they thrive on other people’s weakness and fear,,they can’t handle it if it stops working for them.

They only have power when they are ahead of the game,,they only have power when you are submissive and give in.

We all know they are the only ones subject to their racist lies,,” they are the racist”,,TELL THEM SO,, DO NOT ALLOW THEM THE SATISFACTION OF SEEING YOU KNEEL DOWN.

The people who are kneeling down, were never on your side…

When they say”you’re the bigot,,SAY,,YES WE GOT THAT ALREADY,,YOU SAID THAT YESTERDAY,,WE GET IT,,but You’re A RACIST NAZI and when are you going to leave our country,,we demand you leave,,WE are sick of asking you to leave.

When they say “ you’re the homophobe”.

When they say your oppressing women,,SAY,,yes your right,,when are you going to stop doing that,,we love woman and hate what your doing too them,,STOP IT,,WE DEMAND YOU STOP OPPRESSING THEM,,GTFO.

Even really stupid people will cave in after a while,,once they see you’re not falling for this crap,, they’ll go find someone else to offend.

When they say,” you can’t expect them to pass that test,,”that’s racist

You can’t make them answer that question,,THAT’S racist.

I’m fat because you’re racist.

I couldn’t learn in school because you’re racist.

When AOC and OMAR tell you,,, you’re a racist Nazi.

If you call them stupid for not having common knowledge about math and science,,THAT’S RACIST,,

When you point out they have a lack of logic and common sense,,THAT’S RACIST,,

When you say that the democrats stole the White House in 2020,,THAT’S RACIST.

When you prove the democrats always rig elections,,THAT’S RACIST.

When you say you went to college to get a high school education, THAT’S RACIST.


Even really stupid people will cave in after a while,,once they see you’re not falling for this crap they’ll go find someone else to offend.

Most of these people hate themselves,,they can only find pleasure in oppressing others.

This is a way for useless people to become a part of something,,they desperately need to be part of something,,the louder, the better.

The more of a scene they create, the better for their handlers,,they are moving up in the world.

They have been allowed to get away with this for so long, it’s natural for them to be domestic terrorist.

They love the bomb,,the bomb of society falling apart at their doing,,that’s real power.

Giving “losers power” is the very heart of this problem.

Take away their power and win that war.

Never Give Power Too Stupid”!

This applies to everything the democrats say,,AOC and OMAR are always calling you racist Nazis because they’re the real racist “Marxist communist” insulting you and your family while making your laws.

AOC would crumble at the drop of a dime if you used these techniques on her.

Yes, this is reverse psychology,, and it works.

Reverse psychology was fabricated for this very reason.

The biggest thrill for a narcissist looser is to make people believe something they invented ,,fiction,,a total lie,,even better is to blame you for something they did.

A racist calling you racist!

A domestic racist terrorist communist traitor like AOC and OMAR calling you one.

We watch every day as the democrats call us what they are.

They are famous for blaming others for what they are.

Their whole intent is to make you look like the buffoon,,insult you and your intelligence,,force you to go along with their program.

This is why you “never give power too stupid”!

Nancy Pelosi does this all the time when she says “no one is above the law”.

You call me Nazi, I call you ni**er.

Something this egregious demands special attention.

Being called a Nazi is the most disgraceful insult in the world.

Everyone knows what Hitler and the Nazis did to the innocent masses.

It’s a major disgrace that someone could make this up and insult an entire race of people.

Being called a ni**er is an insult and something black people use against white people.

Being called a Nazi was invented by the world to tag people as domestic terrorist murderers.

While both are bad,, one has nothing to do with the other.

To say this is a threat to society is an understatement.

All Democrats pretending to be Republicans.

You say {R} Liz Cheney is out of touch with her party,,you people always say that about everyone,,,,YOU’RE WRONG…

You are out of touch about the truth,,,,they are doing what they were supposed to do as traitors,,,,you’re getting it wrong.

They are doing what they intended to do all along.

You are the one who has it wrong.

They planned it that way.

They were never on your side.

Just like cocaine Mitch McConnell and what he did to us.

All democrats pretending to be republicans.

Alyssa Milano Gets SHREDDED By Black Woman On TikTok (REACTION)

May 5, 2021

Actress Alyssa Milano presented an extremely left-wing representation of black men on TikTok and a black woman gave her the response of a lifetime. The resulting video has now gone viral on several other platforms aside..

Sign this “anti-fossil and mandatory drug testing” petition,, soon to become the “show us your tax return’s” bill. Proof you were legitimately elected to stay in office,, and once a month drug testing for all members of the house and the senate. Squad members need to be tested once every 4 day’s because of the proficiency in using the “no one is above the law” “Obama Clinton Pelosi law”.


Sign this “anti-fossil and mandatory drug testing” petition,, soon to become the “show us your tax return’s” bill.
Proof you were legitimately elected to stay in office,, and once a month drug testing for all members of the house and the senate. Squad members need to be tested once every 4 day’s because of the proficiency in using the “no one is above the law” “Obama Clinton Pelosi law”.

You have to pass the election to see what’s in it….

We know the elections are rigged,, and we also know their rigged too keep you in office.
Maxine Waters in office for decade’s,,NO WAY,,no one voted for her,,how the hell is she still in office?. How about Pelosi,,Nadler,,Schiff,, Schumer? People hate these corrupt slob’s and don’t want them in office,, they are members of the swamp,,we demand you all step down,, RIGHT NOW,, GTFO.
Many of these member’s are dinosaur’s or “fossil’s in congress” freak’s that rig the election’s both way’s,, first to get elected too office,, and then too stay in office.
Waters is a perfect example of this,, we have all seen video’s of her insanely going off half cocked and insanely ranting and race baiting,,screaming at the top of her lung’s making “holy shit” videos.
Do you expect us to believe there are people,, “real people” not from her George Soros list,,that want her in office,,GET LOST,, we know better,, GTFO….
President Pelosi with the shit eating grin,, this communist traitor is so insane she can’t stop laughing in your face while talking shit at the podium,, look at her face,,always the shit eating grin!
Maybe it’s because she just stole trillion’s of dollar’s from the taxpayer,,AGAIN while “protecting our constitution” and proclaiming “no one is above the law” as she and her deep state friend’s break every law in our country.
Impeach this Pelosi,,”GTFO”.
AOC and OMAR a “full blown communist racist” and a “Muslim communist racist” in our congress who hate our country,, and OMAR proclaiming on the floor of the house”all white people must die” in so many words.
Mother Pelosi would never let them get away with this crap if they weren\'t high on drug’s.
Remember mother Pelosi said”no one is above the law”!
These freaks are clearly using “OBAMA LAW” and drug’s,, to get around this and we demand once a month mandatory drug testing for them and all their “LIT” friend’s in the squad,, and all members of the house and senate.
WATCH,, “the ones that shout the loudest”,, “are the most guilty”,, “every time” never fail’s.
My money’s on waters and tlaib and that now famous pot smoker running for president and best friends with Smollett,,and possible VP pick,,Kamala Harris who was all lit up during that radio broadcast admitting “I dood the cool stuff” ha ha ,,goooood…… ask her how she put hundred’s of pot smokers in jail and prison and watch her scream the loudest!
YEA,, we need mandatory drug testing,, watch how quickly they make pot legal when we start testing them,,no one is above the law,,huh,, president Pelosi.
And for our next bill,, mandatory tax return’s bill,, we want to see every tax return from every member of the house and the senate,, we demand it!!
Geee,, that\'s just like president Pelosi and her scam coronavirus bill’s...cooool,,,,,,,
Sign this “anti-fossil and mandatory drug testing” petition,, soon to become the “show us your tax return’s” bill.

**your signature**

Although written with levity,, this is a real petition,, please pass it on to your friend’s all over the web,, we must help drain the swamp any way we can...Thank you...TPC

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