Antifa/BLM Head Into Suburbs & Get Chased Out By “Silent” Majority

Aug 6, 2020

The only language they vividly understand is violence.

When silent majority stops being silent, it means BUSINESS!

Billionaire Oprah Winfrey Says All White People Are Racists Oppressing Her

Aug 6, 2020

Apparently I’m not “woke”…isn’t generalizing an entire race, racist??

The worst part is that she probably doesn’t even believe this,she’s just being paid to do this

Oprah is trying to get her Black Card back. No one never talked about that school she opened up in Africa. What happened there?

Las Vegas: Over 223K Mail-In Ballots Bounced as ‘Undeliverable’ in Recent Primary Election

1 in 4 Vote-by-Mail Ballots Disqualified in New York City Democrat Primary

Nevada, Michigan Declare Racism a Public Health Crisis

The governors of both Nevada and Michigan declared racism a public health crisis this week, following a similar move taken by Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers (D) over the summer.

We agree,, so stop the black people from doing it!

Good,, now lets go arrest some black people.

Prove it,, white people are not the racist,, black people are.

We can prove it,, can you,,stupid fool sucker governor of Nevada.

These ass holes are baiting another race war,, like Obama did.

Chief US campaign watchdog can’t even CALL A MEETING as bureaucratic gridlock threatens 2020 vote

6 Aug, 2020 16:57

This doesn’t bode well for November’s election, in which both parties have pre-emptively accused the other of trying to rig the vote. Some 333 cases are awaiting an FEC hearing as of April. About 90 of those are within 18 months of expiring under the statute of limitations.

Chaos Is the Democrat Platform – REEEeeeee Stream

Aug 5, 2020


We are “constitutional carry”

Oprah Coaches White People on How to Navigate ‘Unconscious’ Racism on Apple TV Show


Billionaire media mogul Oprah Winfrey advised white people on how to address “unconscious” racism and warned that “first-degree racism” is a phenomenon “in some parts of the country” in the latest episode of her Apple TV series The Oprah Conversation.


California Releasing Almost 18,000 Inmates — Including Convicted Murderer — in Virus Prison Break

California prison officials said almost 18,000 inmates in state prisons are being released because of the coronavirus — an increase of 70 percent from earlier release estimates.

L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti Blasts ‘House Parties,’ Will Cut Water and Power to ‘Super-Spreaders’

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti blasted house parties on Wednesday, saying that he would instruct city officials to cut off water and power to properties where “flagrant violations” of social distancing rules have taken place in recent days.

Dak Prescott Calls for Release of Black Death Row Inmate Julius Jones

Dallas Cowboys quarterback Dak Prescott has written a letter to authorities in Texas advocating for the release of convicted murderer and death row inmate Julius Jones.

Joe Biden: ‘Unlike the African American Community … the Latino Community Is an Incredibly Diverse Community’


Clinton Contagions – Larry Nichols Recalls The Arkansas Dept of Corrections Blood Scandal

Aug 4, 2020

Outside? Birx is now pushing for wearing masks even in your house. These f ers aren’t human.

Sorus should have to pay to rebuild these cities.

Maybe Soros is using the prisoners and paying them to riot.

I thought he was a gonner 4yrs ago….Tough ol cowboy.

Larry Nichols is a great source for info on the Clintons, and their Evil

Larry Nichols glad to know your doing good

Excuse me but Biden has not been nominated at the convention. Why in the hell isn’t anyone taking about that. Right now he is NOT the candidate.

Mass ANTIFA ARRESTS as Portland Police Begin CRACKING DOWN on RIOTERS!!!

Aug 6, 2020


Ellen DeGeneres Enabled Gay Executive To Sexually Assault Staff

Jul 31, 2020

One of the creepiest “women” I’ve ever seen and completely devoid of talent. She should be living in South Central Los Angeles for the quality of her work. Girls have been taught to be silent.”

Says the gay woman on a multimillion dollar talk show.


Donut vs. Karens (Karen bingo is up!)

Jul 31, 2020

I hate it when Karen’s go off and have their poor kids in tow.


Feb 5, 2019

Best Stolen Valor Fights 2020! Instant Karma | Instant Justice

Apr 23, 2020

Recon Stolen Valor Fake Veteran

Jan 23, 2018

2011 – Veterans and other Americans are on the lookout for those who would steal valor. A growing number of fakers make claims on medals they didn’t earn or don’t deserve.

Secretary of State remarks to the Media.

Aug 6, 2020

Poland: Thousands of nationalists rally against refugees in Warsaw

Sep 12, 2015

Patel Could Send Navy to Channel After Record 235 Migrants Cross: Report

This week, the Union for Borders, Immigration, and Customs (ISU) had said that the military needed to be drafted in to support dealing with the crisis — particularly due to the threat of violence from migrants, and to force returns to France at sea.

More than double the number of migrants have landed in the first eight months of 2020 (nearly 3,950) than the whole of 2019 (1,850). Migration Watch UK has warned that more than 7,500 could land by Christmas.

Migration Watch: 7,500 Illegal Boat Migrants Will Reach the UK by Christmas

Mike Lee’s S386 Bill Creates ‘Green Card Lite’ for New Waves of Migrants

Sen. Mike Lee’s latest version of S.386 creates a novel “Green Card Lite” legal status to help Fortune 500 companies import many more Indian graduates into U.S. white collar jobs.

Hans von Spakovsky | ACWT Interview 8.6.20

Heritage expert Hans von Spakovsky joins me to talk Forcing Fair Housing AND Vote Fraud by Mail

Wayne Dupree: Joe Biden’s latest gaffe proves he’s the biggest racist of all. When is enough, enough?

7 Aug, 2020 15:57

The Democratic presidential contender has shown his true colours by continually denigrating and stereotyping African-Americans. Yet Trump, who’s done more to benefit minorities than any other president, is the one called racist?

Tucker Carlson – Sean Hannity – Laura Ingraham – Shannon Bream (8-6-2020)

The fact of the matter is, if people stop complying and cooperating with these parasite politicians then they can not have their tyranny. They do not have enough corrupt police to arrest everybody. Nowhere near enough. And democrat governor or mayor Cuck couldn’t do anything about it.

HERE’S What Leftist Governors Think is OK and NOT OK to Do During this Health Crisis

August 7th, 2020.

Upside down cross… just like Melinda Gates. These satanists are really pushing it… push back with a sledge-hammer and get rid of them or they will get rid of you. This IS war!


McConnell EXPOSES Pelosi’s Outrageous Wish List in New Stimulus Deal

August 7th, 2020

This is all crap, the senate and congress are shit, its how they scratch each other backs to get what they want and do it in public to give the illusion they are fighting for you, which is a lie

So weed is a successful treatment….but hydroxychloroquine is not. Right got it.

President Pelosi is screwing the people again.

If you pay any attention at all you’ll clearly see the corrupt democrat deep state screw the American people over and over again.

This is Obama law at work,, “you know” “the screw you” Obama Clinton Pelosi law.


McConnell slams Democrats, Pelosi over “wish list”

Aug 5, 2020

WOW!!!! President Trump Signs Executive Orders for Coronavirus Stimulus

Aug 9, 2020

This video had to be posted here so you could see the end of the video when “president Pelosi” is giving one of her famous “blow job’s” too the country using “Obama Clinton Pelosi” law.

Everything this communist traitor is saying is a lie.

She does all this with a big shit eating grin on her face and why not? She has used this virus to give trillion’s of dollar’s too her corrupt friends all over the world. All thing’s that have nothing too do with the coronavirus,, just way’s for her and her friend’s too get paid.

You would have a grin on your face too if you just raped the taxpayer of trillion’s of dollar’s, AGAIN.

And to add insult too injury ,,she named her bill the “hero’s act” suggesting she is looking after the people of this country when she would rather see you and your family dead,, “and is working on “just that”.

If AG Barr just did his job she would have been shot for treason year’s ago.

Pay attention,,in case you missed it we are in the middle of a civil war,, a “civil race war”.

All caused by “president Pelosi” and her deep state friend’s,, too remove trump from office.

The proof of what she really is ,,is all over this website,, go see for yourself!

House Democrats’ HEROES Act is a giant political scam





Trump holds presser discussing possible executive order for additional stimulus

August 7th, 2020

President Trump discusses coronavirus and a potential stimulus package.

GO !! President Trump !!! TRUMP 2020

Today the unemployment numbers were released by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Even though there the US unemployment rate is at 10%, there are more people working today than when Obama left office in January 2017.

Btw, how about that? Trump says he has plenty of money to extend unemployment insurance. Dems and the courts are gonna regret allowing Obama’s DACA executive order to stand. Did somebody say checkmate?!

I’m so impressed with Donald! You ROCK, Mr. President!

The thing that separates the American Patriots from every other person on earth is the fact that he would rather die on his feet, than live on his knees. G. W.


Mr. President, my family and I support you 100%! You’re the greatest President this Country has ever had and eventually people will realize this! God Bless you and your family Sir! ✝️


It’s about time the people in that room start applauding our president for the great job he has done and they’re recognizing the fake news! God Bless America and God bless President Trump

Well if Democrats hadn’t tried to pad the stimulus bill with frivolous spending as usual……

Americans if you allow that Biden thing to win, don’t blame us. We non-Americans admire the energy of your president. This man is just overworking for you guys. Ours their job is to steal from public coffers, enriching their families. Reelect this man.

The ending was hilarious! BLM can protest in thousands and Dems say nothing about covid

SF Shuts Down Churches But Opens Gay Bathhouses

Aug 8, 2020



Aug 7, 2020

Attacking an elderly woman. How brave, how woke. Wouldn’t that be considered a hate crime, along with elder abuse?

These people are savages, typical they would pick on an elderly lady, what a disgrace.

What a big bully, towering over her. He’s truly nothing but a coward or a mercenary.

“White privilege” “White guilt” “Diversity” Theories that come out of the universities all over the country. They teach hate. We know this won’t end well.

I can’t help but think of the old motto “Kill them all, let God sort them out”

Time to arrest George Soros and his son on charges of treason.

The liberal left in America, Democrat voters, are far worse than any Coronavirus Virus.

The saddest thing is those 2 women will not learn anything from this. Liberals seem to be incapable of learning. Those 2 women will go out the next election and vote for Democrats again. They’re all brain dead.


39 elderly Texans successfully complete hydroxychloroquine treatment for COVID-19, doctor says

Apr 14, 2020

Patients completed a five-day treatment and their doctor said none of the patients experienced side effects.

Dr. Robin Armstrong | ACWT Interview 4.15.20

Dr. Robin Armstrong & Hydroxychloroquine Efficacy

Another case of the deep state blocking the use of Hydroxychloroquine to make trump look bad.

More proof the deep state would rather have you and your family dead.










ALEX JONES SPECIAL BROADCAST Saturday 8/8/20 • Trump Warns of New Deep State Coup Attempt

Oprah wears a ring. Who’s she married to? The Devil?

She’s a fricking devil-worshipping psychopath:

Wow! I can’t believe Oprah said that… it sickens me

Ah yes, “The Horns of Soros.” The prophesy foretold…

There are some truly evil people who could be dealt with now. Thing is, nobody wants to be “that guy” on the evening news with the MRAPs pulling up to his house. Nobody wants to be Mr. Ruby Ridge the Reboot
That’s really what it comes down to.

Oprah used to make porno movies when she was young.

Look at what this country has done for her,, she could not have done this in any other country.

Because she is indebted to so many of the deep state she has turned her back to the very country that made her very rich and famous.

It was the white women that made her what she is and she has officially spit in their faces with the stupid “white racist thing” she is now pushing.

Funny how she never said any of this to her predominantly white women audience that built her fortune while making her famous.

Another two faced member of the deep state!


SHOCKING REVELATION: Trump EXPLOSIVE Press Conference from the White House

August 9th, 2020

The Democrat Party hates America.
Anyone who belongs to it belongs to an enemy organization.

The American people allowed Nancy Pelosi to take the House in the midterms. This hurt the president very badly. It hurt all of us very badly. These people are wicked.

The progressives used the Mueller HOAX as ‘dirt’ on Trump. Some people fell for it, while anyone with more than a neuron knew it was utter bullshit. Without that, I doubt the election would have gone that far left…

Covid/BLM … that’s the ‘REAL’ VIRUS created by the DemoTwats.

Most important election EVER – Trump 2020 – RINOs need to be purged just like Portland.

Trump brings HONESTY back to the republicans!

Team Purple outsourced our jobs and factories for decades and FINALLY, Trump is making people choose to be a Nation OR the country goes backwards towards globalization that almost took us to the event horizon of doom (where we are hovering still due to the plandemic).

More and more people will wake up and walk away from the status quo or else the silent majority will not be so silent and the rest will either be punished or go back into hiding… EVERYTHING must be done to detect CHEATING – until we get VoterID.

Orange Man is the Best !

This is president Pelosi using mafia blackmail,, she does this all the time,, this is Obama Clinton Pelosi law.


Kellyanne Conway at Press Conference

August 8th, 2020

Nancy Pants throwing a hissy fit. President Trump needs to do a live feed of these meetings. That would end Nancy’s tantrums.

They’re all (both fake parties) are working hand in glove to keep you distracted from the real issues which, if the rulers get their way, will destroy American liberties. As you bicker and select sides like those within a middle school girls’ bathroom. Juvenescent and not pertinent to the major issues at hand.

Agree or disagree with policy, take a look at the amazing women on the conservative side. Composed, smart and prepared. No comparison to the unhinged left.

Conservative women are better looking as well.

Leftist women always look like meth addicted lesbians.


Nasty Piglosi is a drunken child.

She is still vouching and shilling for a VACCINE!!!! Quit believing in YOUR cult over the OTHER cult! She IS A TRAITOR! The bullshit Left/Right paradigm won’t save us or U.S. THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A COVID 19 PANDEMIC!!!! We must arrest all governors/attorney general’s and POTUS plus a majority of Congress and the medical scum the President has dictating our lives. Do not obey. Take back our Republic this Labor Day!! March, surround your local governor’s residence and arrest them. WE HAVE A RIGHT TO DEFEND OURSELVES AND OUR PRECIOUS CONSTITUTION.

Our great President has some great women around him. That should say something to women. WOMEN FOR TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sign the Petition

Reject the Chinese Communist Party

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is directly responsible for the current global pandemic that has caused a staggering death count and the loss of businesses, jobs, and income.

The CCP lied about the origin of the outbreak and covered it up, costing the world six valuable weeks of preparation. The virus started in central China, and might have been contained there—but instead, it was allowed to spread, creating a global pandemic.

Take a Stand. Make an Impact.






Many ordinary Americans believe Joe Biden now mentally unfit. This issue is, by far, our most important US question in a century. Biden may get elected President of the USA. If an incompetent candidate is elected, Americans will have no control over who takes their place. This madness must be confronted by a calm, resolute demand for a thorough mental competency test. This test will change our future for better. Is Biden mentally competent? Call your Representatives, Senators, and flood DC with calls, emails, letters demanding a test & results by Sept 1st, 2020.












NYT editorial board slams McConnell for blocking stimulus with ‘political charade’ as he goes on vacation

August 4, 2020


The Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell, is engaged in a political charade in which he proclaims himself a hapless bystander, buffeted by the whims of the White House on one side and House Democrats on the other. He is not even attending key meetings between Democratic leaders and the administration’s top negotiators.


Stimulus Check Update 8-6-20: Phase 4 Stimulus Package Tomorrow? McConnell Pelosi Fight Trump

Aug 6, 2020




Wait, so Keith Ellison banned the release of THIS video, and it resulted in riots approx. 30 people killed, burned cities and millions of damage? Is this for real? Is he gonna get away with this?

It was Keith Ellison that banned the release of this video? Are you fucking kidding me?

Exactly. There better be Congressional hearings on this shit. If not, America’s Judicial system is lost.

America is ready for a new political party. That’s why people voted for Trump.

The rioting was by design

First, it was Jussie Smollett. Next it was Bubba! Now we find out that the George Tape was fake. He was inside his car saying that he could not breath, he was nuts, most likely on drugs, and look at all the looting and rioting and how the NBA and NFL have plaster us with “Black Lives Matter.”
Well I have one for them, it seems that “BLACK LIES DON’T MATTER.”

Racism is the United States is minimal compared to the rest of the world. Americans aren’t the problem, they stopped slavery long ago. DNC wants to bring it back as the welfare state, they have always been the party of slavery.

Keith Ellison needs to be indicted by a Federal Grand Jury and summarily removed from office, incarcerated and fined..






WATCH powerful shockwave from Beirut explosion hit church as guests gather for wedding

7 Aug, 2020


Morning after the explosion | Beirut covered in mountains of rubble in the wake of major blast

Aug 5, 2020

Explained: What happened in deadly Beirut explosion

Aug 5, 2020

Inside the Beirut blast site

Aug 6, 2020

Sky’s special correspondent Alex Crawford reports from inside the area hit by the explosion in Beirut as rescue teams search for those still missing.