FBI & DOJ: Dismantle & Rebuild | First Five 10.19.20


It was Obama law that turned our judicial system on it’s ear,,the Obama administration spent 8 year’s infiltrating the whole legal system turning it into deep state law where all that’s left is communist corruption.

As a result of this we have no legal system at all,,”Obama law” is the “new normal”.

The only way we can survive as a country is to dismantle our DOJ and FBI and any and all it’s facet’s.

The AG BARR hasn’t said a thing about any of this,,NOW YOU KNOW WHY,,he is a hard core deep state traitor.

The FBI had this information for a year,,and did nothing but ignore it,,as usual,, the “Stasis Quo” that is the “new normal”,, “Obama law”,, absolutely nothing has been done to investigate all this proven corruption for the past 12 years.

As a deep state puppet Obama did his job destroying it all while protecting the guilty and corrupt.

Pelosi and schiff have been making fool’s of our country since trump was elected..PELOSI has been working as president all this time.

They have everything covered from the house and senate to the DOJ/FBI/IRS.

President Pelosi’s Corrupt REP. Adam Schiff is still making up story’s about this “right now” “AGAIN” like he did with the impeachment scam.

The rigging of the 2020 election is all over the place,,all over the country,,RIGHT OUT IN THE OPEN,,for all to see,,they don’t even try to hide their corruption anymore because of Obama “new normal “law.

Because it’s time for them to go for broke trying to protect their corrupt ass’s and complete the take over of our country with the first dictator who was supposed to be “Hillary Clinton.

Instead Nancy Pelosi has taken the reigns working “illegally” as president for the past 4 years.

Don’t you see Pelosi holding the country ransom with her corrupt “coronavirus bill’s” for trillions of dollar’s,,she holding up the relief money until she gets her corrupt friends paid..AGAIN,,and again and again.

President trump just authorized another $1200 payment to the American people,,SHE SAID “SCREW YOU”,,again and is holding up that payment as well as all the others she’s held for ransom.

She wouldn’t release the first stimulus package until she got $350 million for “planned parenthood” along with “trillions of dollars” for dozens of things that have nothing to do with the scam coronavirus bill’s,, she and her corrupt friends say “never let a good bill go to waste”.

This virus is a god send for the deep state,,an “open check book” for everyone to get paid with trillion’s of taxpayer dollar’s,,”for them” this is better than winning the lottery!!!

Pelosi is one of the most evil and corrupt people in the world,,her and her “no one is above the law”,, “blow job speech” using “Obama Pelosi” law.

We are a communist country right now because of Obama’s communist actions working for the deep state.

THIS IS TREASON,,AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!,,,just like putting Joe Biden in office as president!!!

Sign this “anti-fossil and mandatory drug testing” petition,, soon to become the “show us your tax return’s” bill. Proof you were legitimately elected to stay in office,, and once a month drug testing for all members of the house and the senate. Squad members need to be tested once every 4 day’s because of the proficiency in using the “no one is above the law” “Obama Clinton Pelosi law”.


Sign this “anti-fossil and mandatory drug testing” petition,, soon to become the “show us your tax return’s” bill.
Proof you were legitimately elected to stay in office,, and once a month drug testing for all members of the house and the senate. Squad members need to be tested once every 4 day’s because of the proficiency in using the “no one is above the law” “Obama Clinton Pelosi law”.

You have to pass the election to see what’s in it….

We know the elections are rigged,, and we also know their rigged too keep you in office.
Maxine Waters in office for decade’s,,NO WAY,,no one voted for her,,how the hell is she still in office?. How about Pelosi,,Nadler,,Schiff,, Schumer? People hate these corrupt slob’s and don’t want them in office,, they are members of the swamp,,we demand you all step down,, RIGHT NOW,, GTFO.
Many of these member’s are dinosaur’s or “fossil’s in congress” freak’s that rig the election’s both way’s,, first to get elected too office,, and then too stay in office.
Waters is a perfect example of this,, we have all seen video’s of her insanely going off half cocked and insanely ranting and race baiting,,screaming at the top of her lung’s making “holy shit” videos.
Do you expect us to believe there are people,, “real people” not from her George Soros list,,that want her in office,,GET LOST,, we know better,, GTFO….
President Pelosi with the shit eating grin,, this communist traitor is so insane she can’t stop laughing in your face while talking shit at the podium,, look at her face,,always the shit eating grin!
Maybe it’s because she just stole trillion’s of dollar’s from the taxpayer,,AGAIN while “protecting our constitution” and proclaiming “no one is above the law” as she and her deep state friend’s break every law in our country.
Impeach this Pelosi,,”GTFO”.
AOC and OMAR a “full blown communist racist” and a “Muslim communist racist” in our congress who hate our country,, and OMAR proclaiming on the floor of the house”all white people must die” in so many words.
Mother Pelosi would never let them get away with this crap if they weren\'t high on drug’s.
Remember mother Pelosi said”no one is above the law”!
These freaks are clearly using “OBAMA LAW” and drug’s,, to get around this and we demand once a month mandatory drug testing for them and all their “LIT” friend’s in the squad,, and all members of the house and senate.
WATCH,, “the ones that shout the loudest”,, “are the most guilty”,, “every time” never fail’s.
My money’s on waters and tlaib and that now famous pot smoker running for president and best friends with Smollett,,and possible VP pick,,Kamala Harris who was all lit up during that radio broadcast admitting “I dood the cool stuff” ha ha ,,goooood…… ask her how she put hundred’s of pot smokers in jail and prison and watch her scream the loudest!
YEA,, we need mandatory drug testing,, watch how quickly they make pot legal when we start testing them,,no one is above the law,,huh,, president Pelosi.
And for our next bill,, mandatory tax return’s bill,, we want to see every tax return from every member of the house and the senate,, we demand it!!
Geee,, that\'s just like president Pelosi and her scam coronavirus bill’s...cooool,,,,,,,
Sign this “anti-fossil and mandatory drug testing” petition,, soon to become the “show us your tax return’s” bill.

**your signature**

Although written with levity,, this is a real petition,, please pass it on to your friend’s all over the web,, we must help drain the swamp any way we can...Thank you...TPC

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