Ever wonder why members of congress hated by the people of their districts still manage to stay in their cushy jobs!

These are the elections controlled by George Soros. These are the elections that people ignore. This is the price you pay for ignoring them!

These elections are rigged to keep people like her in office.

ALL democrats and other members of the deep state, like the rhinos in the senate, are Soros Bitches.


Impeachment started as” what can I get away with”,a common ploy used by democrats using Obama law to break the law.

Obama Law





The problem isn’t the people,, it’s the permission.

We gave them permission to do this,, a long time ago.

You gave them permission,,without my permission,, to keep doing this,, a long time ago.

You told them to do this,, a long time ago,, without my permission.

Every time this was allowed to go on without stopping it dead in its track’s, was further permission to do it in the future.

Bigger and stronger today you gave them permission,, without my permission,,to do this again.

The problem isn’t the people,, it’s the permission.

Who gave them permission?




AOC IQ test replaces Mensa for 2020.


People like AOC need to understand that 7 thousand votes from freeloaders like she represents in her freeloader district don’t count.

There are 330 million in the country Cortez! 330 million not 7 thousand freeloaders.

When you work in our congress you are supposed to represent the good of the whole country not just your freeloaders district,if you can’t do that then get out.

You work for us, bit*h.

The taxpayers of the country are not here to supply your people a free ride.

You keep begging for taxpayer money and rights your people aren’t entitled to.


The taxpayer has made it quite clear,, the free rides are over. The taxpayer has already done enough for you.

You went to college in this country on a student loan. RIGHT!

Why don’t you pay it back????


You make $174,000 dollars a year plus your paycheck from George Soros.

And you won’t pay it back,, who do you think you are??? CUBA!!!

The taxpayer put you through collage, and you’re telling them to bend over!!!

The taxpayer was good enough to put you through school, and you use the Clinton law! http://thepeoplescongress.com/america-the-beautiful-or-is-it/

If you want Communism than move to China or North Korea,, Cuba or Venezuela.


Quit asking the taxpayer for communist style handouts. You do not have the people’s permission to continue this flagrant communist agenda.

We are demanding you step down.

No one voted for you!


No one in this country voted for you.

Hey you stupid bit*h: 7 thousand votes isn’t 330 million!!!!!

Stop trying to make law! Stop messing with our laws.

George Soros will not get you elected again with his rigged elections and working with the justice democrats.

1 out of 10,000 huh!


Cortez thinks she can become a congressional dinosaur. Like the members of congress that never leave office.


The Brains Behind AOC Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Mar 8, 2019

NOTE: I switched up some of the dates on these videos I’m showing so they’re all wrong. Sorry guys. Pay no attention to the dates.


This explains why AOC didn’t pay her congressional dues to Pelosi.

She used Clinton law on Pelosi and screwed her out of $250,000.

Not too many people have the guts to tell Pelosi to bend over.

Now we can watch their actions in congress as Pelosi rape’s the public over the scam coronavirus,,” come and get paid” bill.

Cortez doesn’t seem to have any teeth in that bill,, though she obviously qualifies ,, looks like Pelosi cut her off as payback.

Cortez has millions in campaign contributions and still told Pelosi to bend over.

Pelosi, the old “mafia congressional wet nurse”, might be cutting her off now.

Here’s part two of:

The Brains Behind AOC Part II


Hey: Georgie Porgie back so soon!

Jussie Smollett | George Soros | Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Apr 9, 2019




Corrupt lying “Democrats”, and “Democrat Republicans”.

Everything they “say” and “everything they do” is just the “opposite” of what they intend to do. Just like when Nancy Pelosi states ”no one is above the law”, and “we did not steal that election”…





Abolish ICE and the fake kids in cages gets her so pissed off she’s fit to be fried.

AOC’s Dramatic Border Photos I Pseudo-Intellectual

135,758 views Premiered Jun 28, 2019

In the wake of some photos that portray Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s ‘grief’ and ‘sadness’ over the condition of migrants, Lauren Chen addresses some of the harsh realities about migrants and those who encourage them to leave their own countries.




Ever wonder why members of congress hated by the people of their districts still manage to stay in their cushy jobs!

These are the elections controlled by George Soros. These are the elections that people ignore. This is the price you pay for ignoring them!

ALL democrats and other members of the deep state,, like the rhinos in the senate, are Soros bitches.

Decades ago, he saw the opening that has now built this empire. The real power is in the small elections, and the devil really is in the details.

Like a good hacker, this is the way in. This is the way to control it all. For Soros, it’s game over, and you lose.


Like I said,, Soros is everywhere!


Take a good look at Virginia.

Soros owns Virginia.


The Great Virginia Gun Fraud

Jan 15, 2020


Soros owns this state and everyone in it. While you were blinded by his friends Obama and Clinton,, he was buying up every district in the state. Look at it now!

This video will explain it all.

Soros owns Virginia.


The very corrupt democrat Gov. Ralph Northam is in the biggest candy store you can imagine,, with soros help they both waited patiently for the complete take over to take place. Patients is the art of war and soros knows it.

Soros has been working on this state for over 20 years. It didn’t matter who was governor,, mayor or police chief. All that matters is do you have 51 % control. He has 99% control. HE OWNS THE STATE.

The Soros Shell Game

The Curious Activity of George Soros in Virginia


Daniel Bobinski


George Soros Wins Prosecutorial Elections in DC Suburbs

Jun 13, 2019


The Real Winner In The Virginia Elections? George Soros’ Social Justice Agenda


Illegal Foreign Voting in Virginia Covered Up by Soros-Backed Democratic Officials, Says Report


George Soros in Davos: 2020 Election Will Determine ‘Fate of the World’

23 Jan 2020



The Influence of George Soros on Impeachment

November 14, 2019


Impeachment Farce Uses Pelosi’s Wrap-Up Smear, But Why?


AOC Exposed: The Truth Behind the Justice Democrats


100% Proof The Justice Democrats recruited AOC in 2017

Mar 5, 2019


Start downloading every video you can of the “The Justice Democrats” and the founders Corbin Trent and Saikat Chakrabarti because their being quickly removed, this group recruited AOC, Omar, Tlieb and 24 others for the Congress midterm!

Start downloading every video you can of the “The Justice Democrats” and the founders Corbin Trent and Saikat Chakrabarti because their being quickly removed, this group recruited AOC, Omar, Tlieb and 24 others for the Congress midterm the videos the founders made 2 years ago are them explaining the Green new deal and their agenda it is word for word what AOC has been spewing for the last 2 months Corbin Trent even talks about how they trained the candidates how to act!

The Truth About AOC #FakeCandidate #JusticeDemocrats #Mission2024 I RedPillBook.com

Mar 10, 2019


This is exactly how Obama got into office, but he had the CIA to help him.

AOC is a perfect example that our Government is a damn JOKE!

This is fraud, lying to America and plotting to harm America.


The Plot Against the President
Published on 12 Oct 2020


The true story of how Congressman Devin Nunes uncovered the operation to bring down the President of the United States. Following the book The Plot Against the President by investigative journalist Lee Smith, this feature length documentary explores new information and additional interviews as the case unfolds.

Corrupt lying “Democrats”, and “Democrat Republicans”.

Everything they “say” and “everything they do” is just the “opposite” of what they intend to do. Just like when Nancy Pelosi states ”no one is above the law”, and “we did not steal that election”…

It’s “Obama Law”, where the guilty go free…


Biden’s Hate Speech SCARES Americans!
September 6, 2022

Judicial Watch President @TomFitton gives his remarks on President Biden’s “Soul of the Nation” speech that he gave last week in Philadelphia. WATCH NOW!

Farrell: The FBI Raid on President Trump Defines the Biden Presidency
September 6, 2022

Judicial Watch Director of Investigations and Research Chris Farrell joins Lou Dobbs on “The Great America Show” podcast to the latest developments on the FBI raid of former President Trump’s home in Mar-A-Lago and why Americans should be concerned. WATCH NOW!

Corrupt lying “Democrats”, and “Democrat Republicans”.
It’s “Obama Law”, “where the guilty go free”…
All Roads Lead To Obama, And The Obama Deep State Mafia…

Biden’s Hate Speech, Trump Raid Corruption Exposed, Victory Against CRT
September 4, 2022

Judicial Watch President @TomFitton discusses President Biden’s “Soul of the Nation” speech and an update on the FBI raid of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home. PLUS, an important victory against “critical race theory” (CRT). WATCH NOW!



Sign this “anti-fossil and mandatory drug testing” petition,, soon to become the “show us your tax return’s” bill. Proof you were legitimately elected to stay in office,, and once a month drug testing for all members of the house and the senate. Squad members need to be tested once every 4 day’s because of the proficiency in using the “no one is above the law” “Obama Clinton Pelosi law”.


Sign this “anti-fossil and mandatory drug testing” petition,, soon to become the “show us your tax return’s” bill.
Proof you were legitimately elected to stay in office,, and once a month drug testing for all members of the house and the senate. Squad members need to be tested once every 4 day’s because of the proficiency in using the “no one is above the law” “Obama Clinton Pelosi law”.

You have to pass the election to see what’s in it….

We know the elections are rigged,, and we also know their rigged too keep you in office.
Maxine Waters in office for decade’s,,NO WAY,,no one voted for her,,how the hell is she still in office?. How about Pelosi,,Nadler,,Schiff,, Schumer? People hate these corrupt slob’s and don’t want them in office,, they are members of the swamp,,we demand you all step down,, RIGHT NOW,, GTFO.
Many of these member’s are dinosaur’s or “fossil’s in congress” freak’s that rig the election’s both way’s,, first to get elected too office,, and then too stay in office.
Waters is a perfect example of this,, we have all seen video’s of her insanely going off half cocked and insanely ranting and race baiting,,screaming at the top of her lung’s making “holy shit” videos.
Do you expect us to believe there are people,, “real people” not from her George Soros list,,that want her in office,,GET LOST,, we know better,, GTFO….
President Pelosi with the shit eating grin,, this communist traitor is so insane she can’t stop laughing in your face while talking shit at the podium,, look at her face,,always the shit eating grin!
Maybe it’s because she just stole trillion’s of dollar’s from the taxpayer,,AGAIN while “protecting our constitution” and proclaiming “no one is above the law” as she and her deep state friend’s break every law in our country.
Impeach this Pelosi,,”GTFO”.
AOC and OMAR a “full blown communist racist” and a “Muslim communist racist” in our congress who hate our country,, and OMAR proclaiming on the floor of the house”all white people must die” in so many words.
Mother Pelosi would never let them get away with this crap if they weren\'t high on drug’s.
Remember mother Pelosi said”no one is above the law”!
These freaks are clearly using “OBAMA LAW” and drug’s,, to get around this and we demand once a month mandatory drug testing for them and all their “LIT” friend’s in the squad,, and all members of the house and senate.
WATCH,, “the ones that shout the loudest”,, “are the most guilty”,, “every time” never fail’s.
My money’s on waters and tlaib and that now famous pot smoker running for president and best friends with Smollett,,and possible VP pick,,Kamala Harris who was all lit up during that radio broadcast admitting “I dood the cool stuff” ha ha ,,goooood…… ask her how she put hundred’s of pot smokers in jail and prison and watch her scream the loudest!
YEA,, we need mandatory drug testing,, watch how quickly they make pot legal when we start testing them,,no one is above the law,,huh,, president Pelosi.
And for our next bill,, mandatory tax return’s bill,, we want to see every tax return from every member of the house and the senate,, we demand it!!
Geee,, that\'s just like president Pelosi and her scam coronavirus bill’s...cooool,,,,,,,
Sign this “anti-fossil and mandatory drug testing” petition,, soon to become the “show us your tax return’s” bill.

**your signature**

Although written with levity,, this is a real petition,, please pass it on to your friend’s all over the web,, we must help drain the swamp any way we can...Thank you...TPC

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